
780 lines
18 KiB

<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');
// Returns a Page object, the class is page.class.php, FALSE if something fail to load the page
function buildPage($key) {
global $dbPages;
global $dbUsers;
global $dbCategories;
global $Parsedown;
global $Site;
if (empty($key)) {
return false;
// Page object, content from index.txt file
$page = new Page($key);
if (!$page->isValid()) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying build the page from file with key: '.$key);
return false;
// Get the database from dbPages
$db = $dbPages->getPageDB($key);
if (!$db) {
Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying build the page from database with key: '.$key);
return false;
// Foreach field from database set on the object
foreach ($db as $field=>$value) {
$page->setField($field, $value);
// Parse Markdown
$contentRaw = $page->contentRaw();
$content = Text::pre2htmlentities($contentRaw); // Parse pre code with htmlentities
$content = $Parsedown->text($content); // Parse Markdown
$content = Text::imgRel2Abs($content, DOMAIN_UPLOADS); // Parse img src relative to absolute (with domain)
$page->setField('content', $content, true);
// Pagebrake
$explode = explode(PAGE_BREAK, $content);
$page->setField('contentBreak', $explode[0], true);
$page->setField('readMore', !empty($explode[1]), true);
// Date format
$pageDate = $page->date();
$page->setField('dateRaw', $pageDate, true);
$pageDateFormated = $page->dateRaw( $Site->dateFormat() );
$page->setField('date', $pageDateFormated, true);
// Generate and set the User object
$username = $page->username();
$page->setField('user', $dbUsers->getUser($username));
// Category
$categoryKey = $page->categoryKey();
$page->setField('categoryMap', $dbCategories->getMap($categoryKey));
return $page;
// Execute a re-index of categories
// If you create/edit/remove a page is necessary regenerate the database of categories
function reindexCategories() {
global $dbCategories;
return $dbCategories->reindex();
function reindexTags() {
global $dbTags;
return $dbTags->reindex();
// Returns a Page Object, this generate on the fly a page-not-found
function buildErrorPage() {
global $dbPages;
global $Language;
global $dbUsers;
$page = new Page(false);
$page->setField('title', $Language->get('page-not-found'));
$page->setField('content', $Language->get('page-not-found-content'));
$page->setField('user', $dbUsers->getUser('admin'));
return $page;
// This function is only used from the rule 69.pages.php, DO NOT use this function!
// This function generate a particular page from the slug of the url
// The page is stored on the global variable $page
// If the slug has not a page associacted returns FALSE and set not-found
function buildThePage() {
global $Url;
global $page, $Page;
global $content, $pages;
$page = $Page = buildPage( $Url->slug() );
// The page doesn't exist
if($page===false) {
return false;
// The page is NOT published
elseif( $page->scheduled() || $page->draft() ) {
return false;
// The page was generate successfully
$content[0] = $pages[0] = $page;
return true;
// This function is only used from the rule 69.pages.php, DO NOT use this function!
function buildPagesForHome() {
return buildPagesFor('home');
// This function is only used from the rule 69.pages.php, DO NOT use this function!
function buildPagesByCategory() {
global $Url;
$categoryKey = $Url->slug();
return buildPagesFor('category', $categoryKey, false);
// This function is only used from the rule 69.pages.php, DO NOT use this function!
function buildPagesByTag() {
global $Url;
$tagKey = $Url->slug();
return buildPagesFor('tag', false, $tagKey);
// Generate the global variables $pages and $content, defined on 69.pages.php
function buildPagesFor($for, $categoryKey=false, $tagKey=false) {
global $dbPages;
global $dbCategories;
global $dbTags;
global $Site;
global $Url;
global $content, $pages;
// Get the page number from URL
$pageNumber = $Url->pageNumber();
if ($for=='home') {
$onlyPublished = true;
$amountOfItems = $Site->itemsPerPage();
$list = $dbPages->getList($pageNumber, $amountOfItems, $onlyPublished);
elseif ($for=='category') {
$amountOfItems = $Site->itemsPerPage();
$list = $dbCategories->getList($categoryKey, $pageNumber, $amountOfItems);
elseif ($for=='tag') {
$amountOfItems = $Site->itemsPerPage();
$list = $dbTags->getList($tagKey, $pageNumber, $amountOfItems);
// There are not items, invalid tag, invalid category, out of range, etc...
if ($list===false) {
return false;
$pages = array(); // global variable
foreach($list as $pageKey) {
$page = buildPage($pageKey);
if($page!==false) {
array_push($pages, $page);
$content = $pages;
return $pages;
// Generate the global variable $pagesByParent, defined on 69.pages.php
function buildPagesByParent($publishedPages=true, $staticPages=true) {
global $dbPages;
global $pagesByParent;
global $pagesByParentByKey;
$onlyKeys = true;
$keys = array();
if ($publishedPages) {
$keys = array_merge($keys, $dbPages->getPublishedDB($onlyKeys));
if ($staticPages) {
$keys = array_merge($keys, $dbPages->getStaticDB($onlyKeys));
foreach ($keys as $pageKey) {
$page = buildPage($pageKey);
if ($page!==false) {
$parentKey = $page->parentKey();
// FALSE if the page is parent
if ($parentKey===false) {
array_push($pagesByParent[PARENT], $page);
$pagesByParentByKey[PARENT][$page->key()] = $page;
} else {
if (!isset($pagesByParent[$parentKey])) {
$pagesByParent[$parentKey] = array();
array_push($pagesByParent[$parentKey], $page);
$pagesByParentByKey[$parentKey][$page->key()] = $page;
function buildStaticPages() {
global $dbPages;
$tmp = array();
$staticPages = $dbPages->getStaticDB($onlyKeys=true);
foreach ($staticPages as $pageKey) {
$staticPage = buildPage($pageKey);
array_push($tmp, $staticPage);
return $tmp;
// Returns an Array with all pages existing on the system
// (boolean) $allPages, TRUE returns all pages with any status, FALSE all published pages
pageKey1 => Page object,
pageKey2 => Page object,
pageKeyN => Page object,
function buildAllpages($publishedPages=true, $staticPages=true, $draftPages=true, $scheduledPages=true) {
global $dbPages;
// Get DB
$onlyKeys = true;
$keys = array();
if ($publishedPages) {
$keys = array_merge($keys, $dbPages->getPublishedDB($onlyKeys));
if ($staticPages) {
$keys = array_merge($keys, $dbPages->getStaticDB($onlyKeys));
if ($draftPages) {
$keys = array_merge($keys, $dbPages->getDraftDB($onlyKeys));
if ($scheduledPages) {
$keys = array_merge($keys, $dbPages->getScheduledDB($onlyKeys));
$tmp = array();
foreach ($keys as $pageKey) {
$page = buildPage($pageKey);
if ($page!==false) {
$tmp[$page->key()] = $page;
return $tmp;
// Returns the plugin Object if is enabled and installed, FALSE otherwise
function getPlugin($pluginClassName) {
global $plugins;
if (pluginEnabled($pluginClassName)) {
return $plugins['all'][$pluginClassName];
return false;
// Returns TRUE if the plugin is enabled and installed, FALSE otherwise
function pluginEnabled($pluginClassName) {
global $plugins;
if (isset($plugins['all'][$pluginClassName])) {
return $plugins['all'][$pluginClassName]->installed();
return false;
function activatePlugin($pluginClassName) {
global $plugins;
global $Syslog;
global $Language;
// Check if the plugin exists
if (isset($plugins['all'][$pluginClassName])) {
$plugin = $plugins['all'][$pluginClassName];
$blackList = array('pluginTimeMachine', 'pluginRemoteContent');
if (in_array($pluginClassName, $blackList) && !defined('BLUDIT_PRO')) {
return false;
if ($plugin->install()) {
// Add to syslog
// Create an alert
return true;
return false;
function deactivatePlugin($pluginClassName) {
global $plugins;
global $Syslog;
global $Language;
// Check if the plugin exists
if (isset($plugins['all'][$pluginClassName])) {
$plugin = $plugins['all'][$pluginClassName];
if ($plugin->uninstall()) {
// Add to syslog
// Create an alert
return true;
return false;
function printDebug($array) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
function createPage($args) {
global $dbPages;
global $Syslog;
global $Language;
// The user is always the one loggued
$args['username'] = Session::get('username');
if ( empty($args['username']) ) {
Log::set('Function createPage()'.LOG_SEP.'Empty username.');
return false;
// External Cover Image
if ( !empty($args['externalCoverImage']) ) {
$args['coverImage'] = $args['externalCoverImage'];
$key = $dbPages->add($args);
if ($key) {
// Call the plugins after page created
// Re-index categories
// Re-index tags
// Add to syslog
Alert::set( $Language->g('new-content-created') );
return $key;
Log::set('Function createNewPage()'.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to create the page');
Log::set('Function createNewPage()'.LOG_SEP.'Cleaning database...');
Log::set('Function createNewPage()'.LOG_SEP.'Cleaning finished...');
return false;
function editPage($args) {
global $dbPages;
global $Syslog;
// Check the key is not empty
if (empty($args['key'])) {
Log::set('Function editPage()'.LOG_SEP.'Empty key.');
return false;
// Check if the page key exist
if (!$dbPages->exists($args['key'])) {
Log::set('Function editPage()'.LOG_SEP.'Page key does not exist, '.$args['key']);
return false;
// External Cover Image
if (!empty($args['externalCoverImage'])) {
$args['coverImage'] = $args['externalCoverImage'];
// Title and content need to be here because from inside the dbPages is not visible
if (empty($args['title']) || empty($args['content'])) {
$page = buildPage($args['key']);
if (empty($args['title'])) {
$args['title'] = $page->title();
if (empty($args['content'])) {
$args['content'] = $page->contentRaw();
$key = $dbPages->edit($args);
if ($key) {
// Call the plugins after page modified
// Re-index categories
// Re-index tags
// Add to syslog
return $key;
Log::set('Function editPage()'.LOG_SEP.'ERROR: Something happen when try to edit the page.');
return false;
function deletePage($key) {
global $dbPages;
global $Syslog;
if( $dbPages->delete($key) ) {
// Call the plugins after page deleted
// Re-index categories
// Re-index tags
// Add to syslog
return true;
return false;
function disableUser($username) {
global $dbUsers;
global $Login;
global $Syslog;
// The editors can't disable users
if($Login->role()!=='admin') {
return false;
if( $dbUsers->disableUser($username) ) {
// Add to syslog
return true;
return false;
function editUser($args) {
global $dbUsers;
global $Syslog;
if( $dbUsers->set($args) ) {
// Add to syslog
return true;
return false;
function deleteUser($args, $deleteContent=false) {
global $dbUsers;
global $Login;
global $Syslog;
// The user admin cannot be deleted
if($args['username']=='admin') {
return false;
// The editors can't delete users
if($Login->role()!=='admin') {
return false;
if($deleteContent) {
else {
//$dbPosts->linkPostsToUser($args['username'], 'admin');
if( $dbUsers->delete($args['username']) ) {
// Add to syslog
return true;
return false;
function createUser($args) {
global $dbUsers;
global $Language;
global $Syslog;
// Check empty username
if( Text::isEmpty($args['new_username']) ) {
Alert::set($Language->g('username-field-is-empty'), ALERT_STATUS_FAIL);
return false;
// Check already exist username
if( $dbUsers->exists($args['new_username']) ) {
Alert::set($Language->g('username-already-exists'), ALERT_STATUS_FAIL);
return false;
// Password length
if( Text::length($args['new_password']) < PASSWORD_LENGTH ) {
Alert::set($Language->g('Password must be at least '.PASSWORD_LENGTH.' characters long'), ALERT_STATUS_FAIL);
return false;
// Check new password and confirm password are equal
if( $args['new_password'] != $args['confirm_password'] ) {
Alert::set($Language->g('The password and confirmation password do not match'), ALERT_STATUS_FAIL);
return false;
// Filter form fields
$tmp = array();
$tmp['username'] = $args['new_username'];
$tmp['password'] = $args['new_password'];
$tmp['role'] = $args['role'];
$tmp['email'] = $args['email'];
// Add the user to the database
if( $dbUsers->add($tmp) ) {
// Add to syslog
return true;
return false;
function editSettings($args) {
global $Site;
global $Syslog;
global $Language;
global $dbPages;
if (isset($args['language'])) {
if ($args['language']!=$Site->language()) {
$tmp = new dbJSON(PATH_LANGUAGES.$args['language'].'.json', false);
if (isset($tmp->db['language-data']['locale'])) {
$args['locale'] = $tmp->db['language-data']['locale'];
} else {
$args['locale'] = $args['language'];
if (isset($args['uriPage'])) {
$args['uriPage'] = Text::addSlashes($args['uriPage']);
if (isset($args['uriTag'])) {
$args['uriTag'] = Text::addSlashes($args['uriTag']);
if (isset($args['uriCategory'])) {
$args['uriCategory'] = Text::addSlashes($args['uriCategory']);
if (isset($args['uriBlog'])) {
$args['uriBlog'] = Text::addSlashes($args['uriBlog']);
if ($Site->set($args)) {
// Check current order-by if changed it reorder the content
if ($Site->orderBy()!=ORDER_BY) {
if ($Site->orderBy()=='date') {
} else {
// Add syslog
// Create alert
Alert::set($Language->g('The changes have been saved'));
return true;
return false;
// Add a new category to the system
// Returns TRUE is success added, FALSE otherwise
function createCategory($category) {
global $dbCategories;
global $Language;
global $Syslog;
if (Text::isEmpty($category)) {
// Set an alert
Alert::set($Language->g('Category name is empty'), ALERT_STATUS_FAIL);
return false;
if ($dbCategories->add($category)) {
// Add to syslog
// Set an alert
Alert::set($Language->g('Category added'), ALERT_STATUS_OK);
return true;
return false;
function editCategory($oldCategoryKey, $newCategory) {
global $Language;
global $dbPages;
global $dbCategories;
global $Syslog;
if( Text::isEmpty($oldCategoryKey) || Text::isEmpty($newCategory) ) {
Alert::set($Language->g('Empty fields'));
return false;
if( $dbCategories->edit($oldCategoryKey, $newCategory) == false ) {
Alert::set($Language->g('Already exist a category'));
return false;
$dbPages->changeCategory($oldCategoryKey, $newCategory);
Alert::set($Language->g('The changes have been saved'));
return true;
function deleteCategory($categoryKey) {
global $Language;
global $dbCategories;
global $Syslog;
// Remove the category by key
Alert::set($Language->g('The changes have been saved'));
return true;
// Returns an array with all the categories
// By default, the database of categories is alphanumeric sorted
function getCategories() {
global $dbCategories;
$list = array();
foreach ($dbCategories->db as $key=>$fields) {
$category = new Category($key);
array_push($list, $category);
return $list;
// Returns the object category if the category exists, FALSE otherwise
function getCategory($key) {
$category = new Category($key);
if (!$category->isValid()) {
return false;
return $category;
// Returns an array with all the tags
// By default, the database of tags is alphanumeric sorted
function getTags() {
global $dbTags;
$list = array();
foreach ($dbTags->db as $key=>$fields) {
$tag = new Tag($key);
array_push($list, $tag);
return $list;
function activateTheme($themeDirectory) {
global $Site;
global $Syslog;
if (Sanitize::pathFile(PATH_THEMES.$themeDirectory)) {
Alert::set( $Language->g('The changes have been saved') );
return true;
return false;