This is a follow up to a previous PR. The async attribute can cause issues with some js files. For instance I added the lozad.js (https://github.com/ApoorvSaxena/lozad.js) for lazy loading and included it via my theme. However, with the current automatic inclusion of "async" things didn't work. So this update allows Theme developers to prevent the async attribute by passing in "null". Example: ```<?php echo Theme::javascript('js/lozad.min.js', DOMAIN_THEME, null); ?>``` If the Theme developer doesn't include "null" the default will be to use "async".
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class Theme {
public static function socialNetworks()
global $site;
$socialNetworks = array(
foreach ($socialNetworks as $key=>$label) {
if (!$site->{$key}()) {
return $socialNetworks;
public static function title()
global $site;
return $site->title();
public static function description()
global $site;
return $site->description();
public static function slogan()
global $site;
return $site->slogan();
public static function footer()
global $site;
return $site->footer();
public static function lang()
global $language;
return $language->currentLanguageShortVersion();
public static function rssUrl()
if (pluginActivated('pluginRSS')) {
return DOMAIN_BASE.'rss.xml';
return false;
public static function sitemapUrl()
if (pluginActivated('pluginSitemap')) {
return DOMAIN_BASE.'sitemap.xml';
return false;
// Returns the absolute URL of the site
// Ex. https://example.com the method returns https://example.com/
// Ex. https://example.com/bludit/ the method returns https://example.com/bludit/
public static function siteUrl()
// Returns the absolute URL of admin panel
// Ex. https://example.com/admin/ the method returns https://example.com/admin/
// Ex. https://example.com/bludit/admin/ the method returns https://example.com/bludit/admin/
public static function adminUrl()
public static function metaTags($tag)
if ($tag=='title') {
return self::metaTagTitle();
} elseif ($tag=='description') {
return self::metaTagDescription();
public static function metaTagTitle()
global $url;
global $site;
global $tags;
global $categories;
global $WHERE_AM_I;
global $page;
if ($WHERE_AM_I=='page') {
$format = $site->titleFormatPages();
$format = Text::replace('{{page-title}}', $page->title(), $format);
$format = Text::replace('{{page-description}}', $page->description(), $format);
} elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='tag') {
try {
$tagKey = $url->slug();
$tag = new Tag($tagKey);
$format = $site->titleFormatTag();
$format = Text::replace('{{tag-name}}', $tag->name(), $format);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Tag doesn't exist
} elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='category') {
try {
$categoryKey = $url->slug();
$category = new Category($categoryKey);
$format = $site->titleFormatCategory();
$format = Text::replace('{{category-name}}', $category->name(), $format);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Category doesn't exist
} else {
$format = $site->titleFormatHomepage();
$format = Text::replace('{{site-title}}', $site->title(), $format);
$format = Text::replace('{{site-slogan}}', $site->slogan(), $format);
$format = Text::replace('{{site-description}}', $site->description(), $format);
return '<title>'.$format.'</title>'.PHP_EOL;
public static function metaTagDescription()
global $site;
global $WHERE_AM_I;
global $page;
global $url;
$description = $site->description();
if ($WHERE_AM_I=='page') {
$description = $page->description();
} elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='category') {
try {
$categoryKey = $url->slug();
$category = new Category($categoryKey);
$description = $category->description();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// description from the site
return '<meta name="description" content="'.$description.'">'.PHP_EOL;
// DEPRECATED v3.0.0
// Return the metatag <title> with a predefine structure
public static function headTitle()
return self::metaTagTitle();
// DEPRECATED v3.0.0
// Return the metatag <decription> with a predefine structure
public static function headDescription()
return self::metaTagDescription();
public static function charset($charset)
return '<meta charset="'.$charset.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function viewport($content)
return '<meta name="viewport" content="'.$content.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function src($file, $base=DOMAIN_THEME)
return $base.$file;
public static function css($files, $base=DOMAIN_THEME)
if( !is_array($files) ) {
$files = array($files);
$links = '';
foreach($files as $file) {
$links .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$base.$file.'?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'">'.PHP_EOL;
return $links;
public static function javascript($files, $base=DOMAIN_THEME, $attributes="async")
if( !is_array($files) ) {
$files = array($files);
$scripts = '';
foreach($files as $file) {
$scripts .= '<script '.$attributes.' src="'.$base.$file.'?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
return $scripts;
public static function js($files, $base=DOMAIN_THEME, $attributes="async")
return self::javascript($files, $base, $attributes);
public static function plugins($type)
global $plugins;
foreach ($plugins[$type] as $plugin) {
echo call_user_func(array($plugin, $type));
public static function favicon($file='favicon.png', $typeIcon='image/png')
return '<link rel="icon" href="'.DOMAIN_THEME.$file.'" type="'.$typeIcon.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function keywords($keywords)
if (is_array($keywords)) {
$keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
return '<meta name="keywords" content="'.$keywords.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function jquery()
return '<script src="'.DOMAIN_CORE_JS.'jquery.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
public static function jsBootstrap()
return '<script async src="'.DOMAIN_CORE_JS.'bootstrap.bundle.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;
public static function cssBootstrap()
return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.DOMAIN_CORE_CSS.'bootstrap.min.css?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function cssLineAwesome()
return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.DOMAIN_CORE_CSS.'line-awesome/css/line-awesome-font-awesome.min.css?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'">'.PHP_EOL;
public static function jsSortable()
// https://github.com/psfpro/bootstrap-html5sortable
return '<script async src="'.DOMAIN_CORE_JS.'jquery.sortable.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION.'"></script>'.PHP_EOL;