uri = $explode[0]; $this->parameters = $_GET; $this->uriStrlen = Text::length($this->uri); $this->whereAmI = 'home'; $this->notFound = false; $this->slug = ''; $this->filters = array(); $this->activeFilter = ''; $this->httpCode = 200; $this->httpMessage = 'OK'; } // Filters change for different languages // Ex (Spanish): Array('post'=>'/publicacion/', 'tag'=>'/etiqueta/', ....) // Ex (English): Array('post'=>'/post/', 'tag'=>'/tag/', ....) public function checkFilters($filters) { // Put the "admin" filter first $adminFilter['admin'] = $filters['admin']; unset($filters['admin']); uasort($filters, array($this, 'sortByLength')); $this->filters = $adminFilter + $filters; foreach ($this->filters as $filterName=>$filterURI) { // $filterName = 'category' // $filterURI = '/category/' $filterFull = ltrim($filterURI, '/'); $filterFull = HTML_PATH_ROOT.$filterFull; $filterLenght = mb_strlen($filterFull, CHARSET); if (mb_substr($this->uri, 0, $filterLenght, CHARSET)==$filterURI) { $this->slug = mb_substr($this->uri, $filterLenght+1); $this->whereAmI = $filterName; $this->activeFilter = $filterURI; if (empty($this->slug) && (($filterName=='blog') || ($filterURI=='/')) ) { $this->whereAmI = 'home'; } return true; } } $this->setNotFound(); } public function slug() { return $this->slug; } public function setSlug($slug) { $this->slug = $slug; } public function activeFilter() { return $this->activeFilter; } public function explodeSlug($delimiter="/") { return explode($delimiter, $this->slug); } public function uri() { return $this->uri; } // Return the filter used public function filters($type, $trim=true) { $filter = $this->filters[$type]; if($trim) { $filter = trim($filter, '/'); } return $filter; } // Returns where is the user, home, pages, categories, tags.. public function whereAmI() { return $this->whereAmI; } public function setWhereAmI($where) { $GLOBALS['WHERE_AM_I'] = $where; $this->whereAmI = $where; } public function notFound() { return $this->notFound; } public function pageNumber() { if(isset($this->parameters['page'])) { return (int)$this->parameters['page']; } return 1; } public function setNotFound() { $this->whereAmI = 'page'; $this->notFound = true; $this->httpCode = 404; $this->httpMessage = 'Not Found'; } public function httpCode() { return $this->httpCode; } public function setHttpCode($code = 200) { $this->httpCode = $code; } public function httpMessage() { return $this->httpMessage; } public function setHttpMessage($msg = 'OK') { $this->httpMessage = $msg; } private function sortByLength($a, $b) { return strlen($b)-strlen($a); } }