{ "language-data": { "native": "English", "english-name": "English", "locale": "en, en_US, en_AU, en_CA, en_GB, en_IE, en_NZ", "last-update": "2017-10-14", "author": "Bludit", "email": "", "website": "https://www.bludit.com" }, "dashboard": "Dashboard", "manage-users": "Manage users", "manage-categories": "Manage categories", "general-settings": "General settings", "advanced-settings": "Advanced settings", "thanks-for-support-bludit": "Thanks for support Bludit", "upgrade-to-bludit-pro": "Upgrade to Bludit PRO", "language": "Language", "plugin": "Plugin", "plugins": "Plugins", "developers": "Developers", "themes": "Themes", "about": "About", "url": "URL", "welcome": "Welcome", "logout": "Log out", "website": "Website", "publish": "Publish", "manage": "Manage", "content": "Content", "category": "Category", "categories": "Categories", "users": "Users", "settings": "Settings", "general": "General", "advanced": "Advanced", "new-content": "New content", "manage-content": "Manage content", "add-new-content": "Add new content", "new-category": "New category", "you-do-not-have-sufficient-permissions": "You do not have sufficient permissions", "add-a-new-user": "Add a new user", "url-associated-with-the-content": "URL associated with the content.", "language-and-timezone": "Language and timezone", "change-your-language-and-region-settings": "Change your language and region settings.", "notifications": "Notifications", "plugin-activated": "Plugin activated", "plugin-deactivated": "Plugin deactivated", "new-theme-configured": "New theme configured", "changes-on-settings": "Changes on settings", "plugin-configured": "Plugin configured", "welcome-to-bludit": "Welcome to Bludit", "statistics": "Statistics", "drafts": "Drafts", "title": "Title", "save": "Save", "save-as-draft": "Save as draft", "cancel": "Cancel", "description": "Description", "this-field-can-help-describe-the-content": "This field can help describe the content in a few words. No more than 150 characters.", "images": "Images", "files": "Files", "error": "Error", "supported-image-file-types": "Supported image file types", "supported-data-file-types": "Supported data file types", "cover-image": "Cover image", "drag-and-drop-or-click-here": "Drag and drop or click here", "there-are-no-images": "There are no images", "there-are-no-files": "There are no files", "upload-and-more-images": "Upload and more images", "upload-and-more-files": "Upload and more files", "click-on-the-image-for-options": "Click on the image for options.", "click-on-the-file-for-options": "Click on the file for options.", "click-here-to-cancel": "Click here to cancel.", "insert-image": "Insert image", "insert-file": "Insert file", "set-as-cover-image": "Set as cover image", "delete-image": "Delete image", "delete-file": "Delete file", "tags": "Tags", "add": "Add", "status": "Status", "published": "Published", "draft": "Draft", "empty-title": "Empty title", "empty": "empty", "date": "Date", "external-cover-image": "External cover image", "parent": "Parent", "full-image-url": "Full image URL.", "this-field-is-used-when-you-order-the-content-by-position": "This field is used when you order the content by position.", "position": "Position", "friendly-url": "Friendly URL", "image-description": "Image description", "add-a-new-category": "Add a new category", "name": "Name", "username": "Username", "first-name": "First name", "last-name": "Last name", "to-schedule-the-content-select-the-date-and-time": "To schedule the content select the date and time, the status has to be set to \"Published\".", "email": "Email", "role": "Role", "registered": "Registered", "site-information": "Site information", "site-title": "Site title", "use-this-field-to-name-your-site": "Use this field to name your site.", "site-slogan": "Site slogan", "use-this-field-to-add-a-catchy-phrase": "Use this field to add a catchy phrase on your site.", "site-description": "Site description", "you-can-add-a-site-description-to-provide": "You can add a site description to provide a short bio or description of your site.", "footer-text": "Footer text", "you-can-add-a-small-text-on-the-bottom": "You can add a small text on the bottom of every page. eg: copyright, owner, dates, etc.", "social-networks-links": "Social networks links", "site-url": "Site URL", "email-account-settings": "Email account settings", "sender-email": "Sender email", "emails-will-be-sent-from-this-address": "Emails will be sent from this address.", "url-filters": "URL filters", "select-your-sites-language": "Select your site's language.", "timezone": "Timezone", "select-a-timezone-for-a-correct": "Select a timezone for a correct date\/time display on your site.", "locale": "Locale", "date-and-time-formats": "Date and time formats", "date-format": "Date format", "current-format": "Current format", "version": "Version", "author": "Author", "activate": "Activate", "deactivate": "Deactivate", "edit-category": "Edit category", "delete": "Delete", "password": "Password", "confirm-password": "Confirm Password", "editor": "Editor", "administrator": "Administrator", "edit-user": "Edit user", "edit-content": "Edit content", "profile": "Profile", "change-password": "Change password", "enabled": "Enabled", "disable-the-user": "Disable the user", "profile-picture": "Profile picture", "edit-or-delete-your-categories": "Edit or delete your categories", "create-a-new-category-to-organize-your-content": "Create a new category to organize your content", "confirm-delete-this-action-cannot-be-undone": "Confirm delete, this action cannot be undone.", "do-you-want-to-disable-the-user": "Do you want to disable the user ?", "new-password": "New password", "you-can-change-this-field-when-save-the-current-changes": "You can change this field when save the current changes.", "items-per-page": "Items per page", "invite-a-friend-to-collaborate-on-your-site": "Invite a friend to collaborate on your site", "number-of-items-to-show-per-page": "Number of items to show per page.", "website-or-blog": "Website or Blog", "order-content-by": "Order content by", "edit-or-delete-content-from-your-site": "Edit or delete content from your site", "order-the-content-by-date-to-build-a-blog": "Order the content by date to build a Blog or order the content by position to build a Website.", "page-not-found-content": "Hey! looks like the page doesn't exist.", "page-not-found": "Page not found", "predefined-pages": "Predefined pages", "returning-page-when-the-page-doesnt-exist": "Returning page when the page doesn't exist, by default returns a default message.", "returning-page-for-the-main-page": "Returning page for the main page, by default shows the latest content order by date or position.", "full-url-of-your-site": "Full URL of your site. Complete with the protocol HTTP or HTTPS (only if you have enabled SSL on your server).", "with-the-locales-you-can-set-the-regional-user-interface": "With the locales, you can set the regional user interface, such as the dates in your language. The locales need to be installed on your system.", "bludit-installer": "Bludit Installer", "choose-your-language": "Choose your language", "next": "Next", "complete-the-form-choose-a-password-for-the-username-admin": "Complete the form choose a password for the username < admin ><\/b>", "show-password": "Show password", "install": "Install", "login": "Login", "back-to-login-form": "Back to login form", "get-login-access-code": "Get login access code", "email-access-code": "Email access code", "whats-next": "What's Next", "username-or-password-incorrect": "Username or password incorrect", "follow-bludit-on": "Follow Bludit on", "visit-the-forum-for-support": "Visit the [forum](https:\/\/forum.bludit.org) for support", "manage-your-bludit-from-the-admin-panel": "Manage your Bludit from the [admin area]({{ADMIN_AREA_LINK}})", "chat-with-developers-and-users-on-gitter": "Chat with developers and users on [Gitter](https:\/\/gitter.im\/bludit\/support)", "this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site": "This is a brief description of yourself or your site, to change this text go to the admin panel, settings, plugins, and configure the plugin about.", "read-the-documentation-for-more-information": "Read the [documentation](https:\/\/docs.bludit.com) for more information", "new-version-available": "New version available", "new-category-created": "New category created", "category-deleted": "Category deleted", "category-edited": "Category edited", "new-user-created": "New user created", "user-edited": "User edited", "user-deleted": "User deleted", "recommended-for-recovery-password-and-notifications": "Recommended for recovery password and notifications.", "authentication-token": "Authentication Token", "token": "Token", "current-status": "Current status", "upload-image": "Upload image", "upload-file": "Upload file", "the-changes-have-been-saved": "The changes have been saved", "label": "Label", "links": "Links", "this-title-is-almost-always-used-in-the-sidebar-of-the-site": "This title is almost always used in the sidebar of the site.", "password-must-be-at-least-6-characters-long": "Password must be at least 6 characters long", "ip-address-has-been-blocked": "IP address has been blocked", "try-again-in-a-few-minutes": "Try again in a few minutes", "content-published-from-scheduler": "Content published from scheduler", "installer-page-about-content": "The about page is an important page. A lot of people are interested in the owner of a blog or a website.", "blog": "Blog", "complete-all-fields": "Complete all fields", "static": "Static", "about-your-site-or-yourself": "About your site or yourself", "homepage": "Homepage", "disabled": "Disabled", "to-enable-the-user-you-must-set-a-new-password": "To enable the user you must set a new password.", "delete-the-user-and-associate-his-content-to-admin-user": "Delete the user and associate his content to admin user", "delete-the-user-and-all-his-content": "Delete the user and all his content", "user-disabled": "User disabled", "user-password-changed": "User password changed", "the-password-and-confirmation-password-do-not-match": "The password and confirmation password do not match", "scheduled-content": "Scheduled content", "there-are-no-scheduled-content": "There are no scheduled content.", "new-content-created": "New content created", "content-edited": "Content edited", "content-deleted": "Content deleted", "undefined": "Undefined", "create-new-content-for-your-site": "Create new content for your site", "there-are-no-draft-content": "There are no draft content.", "order-items-by": "Order items by", "all-content": "All content", "dynamic": "Dynamic", "type": "Type", "draft-content": "Draft content", "post": "Post", "default": "Default", "latest-content": "Latest content", "default-message": "Default message", "no-parent": "No parent", "have-you-seen-my-ball": "Have you seen my ball?", "pagebreak": "Page break", "pages": "Pages", "this-plugin-may-not-be-supported-by-this-version-of-bludit": "This plugin may not be supported by this version of Bludit", "previous": "Previous", "previous-page": "Previous page", "next-page": "Next page", "scheduled": "Scheduled", "this-token-is-similar-to-a-password-it-should-not-be-shared": "This token is similar to a password, it should not be shared.", "congratulations-you-have-successfully-installed-your-bludit": "Congratulations you have successfully installed your **Bludit**.", "this-theme-may-not-be-supported-by-this-version-of-bludit": "This theme may not be supported by this version of Bludit", "read-more": "Read more" }