array('inFile'=>true, 'value'=>''), 'content'=> array('inFile'=>true, 'value'=>''), 'description'=> array('inFile'=>false, 'value'=>''), 'username'=> array('inFile'=>false, 'value'=>''), 'tags'=> array('inFile'=>false, 'value'=>array()), 'status'=> array('inFile'=>false, 'value'=>'draft'), 'date'=> array('inFile'=>false, 'value'=>0), 'position'=> array('inFile'=>false, 'value'=>0) ); function __construct() { parent::__construct(PATH_DATABASES.'pages.php'); } public function add($args) { $dataForDb = array(); // This data will be saved in the database $dataForFile = array(); // This data will be saved in the file $key = $this->generateKey($args['slug'], $args['parent']); // The user is always the one loggued. $args['username'] = Session::get('username'); if( Text::isEmpty($args['username']) ) { return false; } // Current date. if(empty($args['date'])) { $args['date'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); } // Verify arguments with the database fields. foreach($this->dbFields as $field=>$options) { if( isset($args[$field]) ) { if($field=='tags') { $tmpValue = $this->generateTags($args['tags']); } else { // Sanitize if will be saved on database. if( !$options['inFile'] ) { $tmpValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]); } else { $tmpValue = $args[$field]; } } } // Default value for the field. else { $tmpValue = $options['value']; } // Check where the field will be written, in file or database. if($options['inFile']) { $dataForFile[$field] = Text::firstCharUp($field).': '.$tmpValue; } else { // Set type settype($tmpValue, gettype($options['value'])); // Save on database $dataForDb[$field] = $tmpValue; } } // Make the directory. Recursive. if( Filesystem::mkdir(PATH_PAGES.$key, true) === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to create the directory '.PATH_PAGES.$key); return false; } // Make the index.txt and save the file. $data = implode("\n", $dataForFile); if( file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES.$key.'/index.txt', $data) === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to put the content in the file index.txt'); return false; } // Save the database $this->db[$key] = $dataForDb; if( $this->save() === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } return true; } public function edit($args) { $dataForDb = array(); $dataForFile = array(); $newKey = $this->generateKey($args['slug'], $args['parent'], false, $args['key']); // The user is always the one loggued. $args['username'] = Session::get('username'); if( Text::isEmpty($args['username']) ) { return false; } // If the page is draft then the time created is now. if( $this->db[$args['key']]['status']=='draft' ) { $args['date'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); } else { $args['date'] = $this->db[$args['key']]['date']; } // Verify arguments with the database fields. foreach($this->dbFields as $field=>$options) { if( isset($args[$field]) ) { if($field=='tags') { $tmpValue = $this->generateTags($args['tags']); } else { // Sanitize if will be saved on database. if( !$options['inFile'] ) { $tmpValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]); } else { $tmpValue = $args[$field]; } } } // Default value for the field. else { $tmpValue = $options['value']; } // Check where the field will be written, if in the file or in the database. if($options['inFile']) { $dataForFile[$field] = Text::firstCharUp($field).': '.$tmpValue; } else { // Set type settype($tmpValue, gettype($options['value'])); // Save on database $dataForDb[$field] = $tmpValue; } } // Move the directory from old key to new key. if($newKey!==$args['key']) { if( Filesystem::mv(PATH_PAGES.$args['key'], PATH_PAGES.$newKey) === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to move the directory to '.PATH_PAGES.$newKey); return false; } } // Make the index.txt and save the file. $data = implode("\n", $dataForFile); if( file_put_contents(PATH_PAGES.$newKey.DS.'index.txt', $data) === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to put the content in the file index.txt'); return false; } // Remove the old key. unset($this->db[$args['key']]); // Save the database $this->db[$newKey] = $dataForDb; if( $this->save() === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } return true; } public function delete($key) { // Page doesn't exist in database. if(!$this->pageExists($key)) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'The page does not exist. Key: '.$key); } // Delete the index.txt file. if( Filesystem::rmfile(PATH_PAGES.$key.DS.'index.txt') === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to delete the file index.txt'); } // Delete the directory. if( Filesystem::rmdir(PATH_PAGES.$key) === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to delete the directory '.PATH_PAGES.$key); } // Remove from database. unset($this->db[$key]); // Save the database. if( $this->save() === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); } return true; } // Return an array with the database for a page, FALSE otherwise. public function getDb($key) { if($this->pageExists($key)) { return $this->db[$key]; } return false; } // Return TRUE if the page exists, FALSE otherwise. public function pageExists($key) { return isset($this->db[$key]); } public function parentKeyList() { return $this->parentKeyList; } public function parentKeyExists($key) { return isset($this->parentKeyList[$key]); } public function addParentKey($key) { $this->parentKeyList[$key] = $key; } // Generate a valid Key/Slug. public function generateKey($text, $parent=NO_PARENT_CHAR, $returnSlug=false, $oldKey='') { if(Text::isEmpty($text)) { $text = 'empty'; } if( Text::isEmpty($parent) || ($parent==NO_PARENT_CHAR) ) { $newKey = Text::cleanUrl($text); } else { $newKey = Text::cleanUrl($parent).'/'.Text::cleanUrl($text); } if($newKey!==$oldKey) { // Verify if the key is already been used. if( isset($this->db[$newKey]) ) { if( !Text::endsWithNumeric($newKey) ) { $newKey = $newKey.'-0'; } while( isset($this->db[$newKey]) ) { $newKey++; } } } if($returnSlug) { $explode = explode('/', $newKey); if(isset($explode[1])) { return $explode[1]; } return $explode[0]; } return $newKey; } // Return an array with all page's databases. public function getAll() { return $this->db; } // Returns an Array, array('tagSlug'=>'tagName') // (string) $tags, tag list separeted by comma. public function generateTags($tags) { $tmp = array(); $tags = trim($tags); if(empty($tags)) { return $tmp; } // Make array $tags = explode(',', $tags); foreach($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); $tagKey = Text::cleanUrl($tag); $tmp[$tagKey] = $tag; } return $tmp; } public function regenerateCli() { $db = $this->db; $newPaths = array(); $fields = array(); // Default fields and value foreach($this->dbFields as $field=>$options) { if(!$options['inFile']) { $fields[$field] = $options['value']; } } $fields['status'] = CLI_STATUS; $fields['date'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT); //$tmpPaths = glob(PATH_PAGES.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $tmpPaths = Filesystem::listDirectories(PATH_PAGES); foreach($tmpPaths as $directory) { $key = basename($directory); if(file_exists($directory.DS.'index.txt')) { // The key is the directory name $newPaths[$key] = true; } // Recovery pages from subdirectories //$subPaths = glob($directory.DS.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $subPaths = Filesystem::listDirectories($directory.DS); foreach($subPaths as $subDirectory) { $subKey = basename($subDirectory); if(file_exists($subDirectory.DS.'index.txt')) { // The key is composed by the directory/subdirectory $newPaths[$key.'/'.$subKey] = true; } } } foreach($newPaths as $key=>$value) { if(!isset($this->db[$key])) { $this->db[$key] = $fields; } $Page = new Page($key); // Update all fields from FILE to DATABASE. foreach($fields as $f=>$v) { if($Page->getField($f)) { // DEBUG: Validar/Sanitizar valores, ej: validar formato fecha $this->db[$key][$f] = $Page->getField($f); } } // DEBUG: Update tags } // Remove old pages from db foreach( array_diff_key($db, $newPaths) as $key=>$data ) { unset($this->db[$key]); } // Save the database. if( $this->save() === false ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying to save the database file.'); return false; } return $this->db!=$db; } }