<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');

// ============================================================================
// Variables
// ============================================================================

$posts = array();

// ============================================================================
// Functions
// ============================================================================

function reIndexTagsPosts()
	global $dbPosts;
	global $dbTags;

	// Remove unpublished.

	// Regenerate the tags index for posts
	$dbTags->reindexPosts( $dbPosts->db );

	// Restore de db on dbPost

	return true;

function buildPost($key)
	global $dbPosts;
	global $dbUsers;
	global $Parsedown;
	global $Site;

	// Post object, this get the content from the file.
	$Post = new Post($key);
	if( !$Post->isValid() ) {
		Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying build the post from file with key: '.$key);
		return false;

	// Page database, this get the contente from the database json.
	$db = $dbPosts->getDb($key);
	if( !$db ) {
		Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error occurred when trying build the post from database with key: '.$key);
		return false;

	// Foreach field from database.
	foreach($db as $field=>$value)
		// Not overwrite the value from file.
		$Post->setField($field, $value, false);

	// Content in raw format
	$contentRaw = $Post->content();
	$Post->setField('contentRaw', $contentRaw, true);

	// Parse the content
	$content = Text::pre2htmlentities($contentRaw); // Parse pre code with htmlentities
	$content = $Parsedown->text($content); // Parse Markdown.
	$content = Text::imgRel2Abs($content, HTML_PATH_UPLOADS); // Parse img src relative to absolute.
	$Post->setField('content', $content, true);

	// Pagebrake
	$explode = explode(PAGE_BREAK, $content);
	$Post->setField('breakContent', $explode[0], true);
	$Post->setField('readMore', !empty($explode[1]), true);

	// Parse username for the post.
	if( $dbUsers->userExists( $Post->username() ) )
		$user = $dbUsers->getDb( $Post->username() );

		$Post->setField('authorFirstName', $user['firstName'], false);
		$Post->setField('authorLastName', $user['lastName'], false);

	return $Post;

function buildPostsForPage($pageNumber=0, $amount=POSTS_PER_PAGE_ADMIN, $removeUnpublished=true, $tagKey=false)
	global $dbPosts;
	global $dbTags;
	global $posts;
	global $Url;

	if($tagKey) {
		// Get the keys list from tags database, this database is optimized for this case.
		$list = $dbTags->getList($pageNumber, $amount, $tagKey);
	else {
		// Get the keys list from posts database.
		$list = $dbPosts->getList($pageNumber, $amount, $removeUnpublished);

	// There are not posts for the page number then set the page notfound
	if(empty($list) && $pageNumber>0) {

	// Foreach post key, build the post.
	foreach($list as $postKey=>$values)
		$Post = buildPost($postKey);
		if($Post!==false) {
			array_push($posts, $Post);

// ============================================================================
// Main
// ============================================================================

// Search for changes on posts by the user.
if( $Site->cliMode() ) {

// Execute the scheduler.
if( $dbPosts->scheduler() ) {
	// Reindex dbTags.

// Build specific post.
if( ($Url->whereAmI()==='post') && ($Url->notFound()===false) )
	$Post = buildPost( $Url->slug() );

	elseif( !$Post->published() )
		$posts[0] = $Post;

// Build posts by specific tag.
elseif( ($Url->whereAmI()==='tag') && ($Url->notFound()===false) )
	buildPostsForPage($Url->pageNumber(), $Site->postsPerPage(), true, $Url->slug());
// Build posts for homepage or admin area.
	// Posts for admin area.
	if($Url->whereAmI()==='admin') {
		buildPostsForPage($Url->pageNumber(), POSTS_PER_PAGE_ADMIN, false);
	// Posts for homepage
	else {
		buildPostsForPage($Url->pageNumber(), $Site->postsPerPage(), true);