dbFields = array( 'token'=>$token, // API Token 'amountOfItems'=>15 // Amount of items to return ); } public function form() { global $Language; $html = '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''.$Language->get('This token is for read only and is regenerated every time you install the plugin').''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''.$Language->get('The amount of pages to return when you call to /api/pages').''; $html .= '
'; return $html; } // API HOOKS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function beforeAll() { global $Url; global $dbPages; global $dbUsers; // CHECK URL // ------------------------------------------------------------ $URI = $this->webhook('api', $returnsAfterURI=true, $fixed=false); if ($URI===false) { return false; } // METHOD // ------------------------------------------------------------ $method = $this->getMethod(); // METHOD INPUTS // ------------------------------------------------------------ $inputs = $this->getMethodInputs(); if ( empty($inputs) ) { $this->response(404, 'Not Found', array('message'=>'Missing method inputs.')); } // ENDPOINT PARAMETERS // ------------------------------------------------------------ $parameters = $this->getEndpointParameters($URI); if ( empty($parameters) ) { $this->response(404, 'Not Found', array('message'=>'Missing endpoint parameters.')); } // API TOKEN // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Token from the plugin, the user can change it on the settings of the plugin $tokenAPI = $this->getValue('token'); // Check empty token if ( empty($inputs['token']) ) { $this->response(404, 'Not Found', array('message'=>'Missing API token.')); } // Check if the token is valid if ($inputs['token']!==$tokenAPI) { $this->response(401, 'Unauthorized', array('message'=>'Invalid API token.')); } // AUTHENTICATION TOKEN // ------------------------------------------------------------ $writePermissions = false; if ( !empty($inputs['authentication']) ) { // Get the user with the authentication token $username = $dbUsers->getByAuthToken($inputs['authentication']); if ($username!==false) { // Enable write permissions $writePermissions = true; } } // ENDPOINTS // ------------------------------------------------------------ // (GET) /api/pages if ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && empty($parameters[1]) ) { $data = $this->getPages(); } // (GET) /api/pages/ elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) { $data = $this->getPage($parameters[1]); } // (POST) /api/pages elseif ( ($method==='POST') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && empty($parameters[1]) && $writePermissions ) { $data = $this->newPage($inputs); } else { $this->response(401, 'Unauthorized', array('message'=>'Access denied or invalid endpoint.')); } $this->response(200, 'OK', $data); } // PRIVATE METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function getMethod() { // METHODS // ------------------------------------------------------------ // GET // POST // PUT // DELETE $this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; return $this->method; } private function getMethodInputs() { switch($this->method) { case "POST": $inputs = $_POST; break; case "GET": case "DELETE": $inputs = $_GET; break; case "PUT": $inputs = file_get_contents("php://input"); break; default: $inputs = json_encode(array()); break; } return $this->cleanInputs($inputs); } private function getEndpointParameters($URI) { // ENDPOINT Parameters // ------------------------------------------------------------ // /api/pages | GET | returns all pages // /api/pages/{key} | GET | returns the page with the {key} // /api/pages | POST | create a new page $URI = ltrim($URI, '/'); $parameters = explode('/', $URI); // Sanitize parameters foreach ($parameters as $key=>$value) { $parameters[$key] = Sanitize::html($value); } return $parameters; } private function cleanInputs($inputs) { $tmp = array(); if ( is_array($inputs) ) { foreach($inputs as $key=>$value) { $tmp[$key] = Sanitize::html($value); } } elseif ( is_string($inputs) ) { $tmp = json_decode($inputs, true); if(json_last_error()===0) { $tmp = array(); } } return $tmp; } private function response($code=200, $message='OK', $data=array()) { header('HTTP/1.1 '.$code.' '.$message); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Content-Type: application/json'); $json = json_encode($data); exit($json); } private function getPage($key) { // Generate the object Page $Page = buildPage($key); if (!$Page) { return array( 'status'=>'1', 'message'=>'Page not found.' ); } $data = array(); $data['status'] = '0'; $data['message'] = 'Page filtered by key: '.$key; $data['data'] = $Page->json( $returnsArray=true ); return $data; } private function getPages() { global $dbPages; $onlyPublished = true; $amountOfItems = $this->getValue('amountOfItems'); $pageNumber = 1; $list = $dbPages->getList($pageNumber, $amountOfItems, $onlyPublished); $tmp = array( 'status'=>'0', 'message'=>'List of pages, amount of items: '.$amountOfItems, 'data'=>array() ); // Get keys of pages $keys = array_keys($list); foreach ($keys as $pageKey) { // Create the page object from the page key $page = buildPage($pageKey); array_push($tmp['data'], $page->json( $returnsArray=true )); } return $tmp; } private function createPage($args) { // This function is defined on functions.php return createPage($args); } }