<?php class pluginSearch extends Plugin { private $pagesFound = array(); private $numberOfItems = 0; public function init() { // Fields and default values for the database of this plugin $this->dbFields = array( 'label'=>'Search', 'wordsToCachePerPage'=>800, 'showButtonSearch'=>false ); } public function form() { global $L; $html = '<div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">'; $html .= $this->description(); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<label>'.$L->get('Label').'</label>'; $html .= '<input name="label" type="text" value="'.$this->getValue('label').'">'; $html .= '<span class="tip">'.$L->get('This title is almost always used in the sidebar of the site').'</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<label>'.$L->get('Show button search').'</label>'; $html .= '<select name="showButtonSearch">'; $html .= '<option value="true" '.($this->getValue('showButtonSearch')===true?'selected':'').'>'.$L->get('enabled').'</option>'; $html .= '<option value="false" '.($this->getValue('showButtonSearch')===false?'selected':'').'>'.$L->get('disabled').'</option>'; $html .= '</select>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div>'; return $html; } // HTML for sidebar public function siteSidebar() { global $L; $html = '<div class="plugin plugin-search">'; $html .= '<h2 class="plugin-label">'.$this->getValue('label').'</h2>'; $html .= '<div class="plugin-content">'; $html .= '<input type="text" id="jspluginSearchText" /> '; if ($this->getValue('showButtonSearch')) { $html .= '<input type="button" value="'.$L->get('Search').'" onClick="pluginSearch()" />'; } $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $DOMAIN_BASE = DOMAIN_BASE; $html .= <<<EOF <script> function pluginSearch() { var text = document.getElementById("jspluginSearchText").value; window.open('$DOMAIN_BASE'+'search/'+text, '_self'); return false; } document.getElementById("jspluginSearchText").onkeypress = function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; if (keyCode == '13'){ pluginSearch(); return false; } } </script> EOF; return $html; } public function install($position=0) { parent::install($position); return $this->createCache(); } // Method called when the user click on button save in the settings of the plugin public function post() { parent::post(); return $this->createCache(); } public function afterPageCreate() { $this->createCache(); } public function afterPageModify() { $this->createCache(); } public function afterPageDelete() { $this->createCache(); } public function beforeAll() { // Check if the URL match with the webhook $webhook = 'search'; if ($this->webhook($webhook, false, false)) { global $site; global $url; // Change the whereAmI to avoid load pages in the rule 69.pages // This is only for performance purpose $url->setWhereAmI('search'); // Get the string to search from the URL $stringToSearch = $this->webhook($webhook, true, false); $stringToSearch = trim($stringToSearch, '/'); // Search the string in the cache and get all pages with matches $list = $this->search($stringToSearch); $this->numberOfItems = count($list); // Split the content in pages // The first page number is 1, so the real is 0 $realPageNumber = $url->pageNumber() - 1; $itemsPerPage = $site->itemsPerPage(); $chunks = array_chunk($list, $itemsPerPage); if (isset($chunks[$realPageNumber])) { $this->pagesFound = $chunks[$realPageNumber]; } } } public function paginator() { $webhook = 'search'; if ($this->webhook($webhook, false, false)) { // Get the pre-defined variable from the rule 99.paginator.php // Is necessary to change this variable to fit the paginator with the result from the search global $numberOfItems; $numberOfItems = $this->numberOfItems; } } public function beforeSiteLoad() { $webhook = 'search'; if ($this->webhook($webhook, false, false)) { global $url; global $WHERE_AM_I; $WHERE_AM_I = 'search'; // Get the pre-defined variable from the rule 69.pages.php // We change the content to show in the website global $content; $content = array(); foreach ($this->pagesFound as $pageKey) { try { $page = new Page($pageKey); array_push($content, $page); } catch (Exception $e) { // continue } } } } // Generate the cache file // This function is necessary to call it when you create, edit or remove content private function createCache() { // Get all pages published global $pages; $list = $pages->getList($pageNumber=1, $numberOfItems=-1, $published=true, $static=true, $sticky=true, $draft=false, $scheduled=false); $cache = array(); foreach ($list as $pageKey) { $page = buildPage($pageKey); // Process content $words = $this->getValue('wordsToCachePerPage') * 5; // Asumming avg of characters per word is 5 $content = $page->content(); $content = Text::removeHTMLTags($content); $content = Text::truncate($content, $words, ''); // Include the page to the cache $cache[$pageKey]['title'] = $page->title(); $cache[$pageKey]['description'] = $page->description(); $cache[$pageKey]['content'] = $content; } // Generate JSON file with the cache $json = json_encode($cache); return file_put_contents($this->cacheFile(), $json, LOCK_EX); } // Returns the absolute path of the cache file private function cacheFile() { return $this->workspace().'cache.json'; } // Search text inside the cache // Returns an array with the pages keys related to the text // The array is sorted by score private function search($text) { // Read the cache file $json = file_get_contents($this->cacheFile()); $cache = json_decode($json, true); // Inlcude Fuzz algorithm require_once($this->phpPath().'vendors/fuzz.php'); $fuzz = new Fuzz($cache, 10, 1, true); $results = $fuzz->search($text, 5); return(array_keys($results)); } }