
class pluginTinymce extends Plugin {

	private $loadWhenController = array(

	public function init()
		$this->dbFields = array(
			'plugins'=>'autoresize, fullscreen, pagebreak, link, textcolor, code',
			'toolbar'=>'bold italic underline strikethrough | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist | styleselect | link forecolor backcolor removeformat | pagebreak code fullscreen'

	public function form()
		global $Language;

		$html  = '<div>';
		$html .= '<label>Tinymce plugins</label>';
		$html .= '<input name="plugins" id="jsplugins" type="text" value="'.$this->getDbField('plugins').'">';
		$html .= '</div>';

		$html .= '<div>';
		$html .= '<label>Tinymce toolbar</label>';
		$html .= '<input name="toolbar" id="jstoolbar" type="text" value="'.$this->getDbField('toolbar').'">';
		$html .= '</div>';

		return $html;

	public function onAdminHead()
		global $Language;
		global $Site;
		global $layout;

		$html = '';

		// Load CSS and JS only on Controllers in array.
		if(in_array($layout['controller'], $this->loadWhenController))
			$language = $Site->shortLanguage();
			$pluginPath = $this->htmlPath();

			$html  = '<script src="'.$pluginPath.'tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>';
			$html .= '<script src="'.$pluginPath.'tinymce/jquery.tinymce.min.js"></script>';

		return $html;

	public function onAdminBodyEnd()
		global $Language;
		global $Site;
		global $layout;

		$html = '';

		// Load CSS and JS only on Controllers in array.
		if(in_array($layout['controller'], $this->loadWhenController))
			$language = $Site->shortLanguage();
			$pluginPath = $this->htmlPath();

			$html  = '<script>$(document).ready(function() { ';
			$html .= '$("#jscontent").tinymce({
				plugins: "'.$this->getDbField('plugins').'",
				toolbar: "'.$this->getDbField('toolbar').'",
				content_css: "'.$pluginPath.'css/editor.css",
				theme: "modern",
				statusbar: false,
				browser_spellcheck: true,
				autoresize_bottom_margin: "50",
				pagebreak_separator: "'.PAGE_BREAK.'",
				paste_as_text: true,
    			document_base_url: "'.HTML_PATH_UPLOADS.'"
			$html .= '}); </script>';

		return $html;