with a predefine structure public static function headTitle() { global $Url; global $Site; global $dbTags; global $dbCategories; global $WHERE_AM_I; global $page; $title = $Site->title(); if( $WHERE_AM_I=='page' ) { $title = $page->title().' - '.$Site->title(); } elseif( $WHERE_AM_I=='tag' ) { $tagKey = $Url->slug(); $tagName = $dbTags->getName($tagKey); $title = $tagName.' - '.$Site->title(); } elseif( $WHERE_AM_I=='category' ) { $categoryKey = $Url->slug(); $categoryName = $dbCategories->getName($categoryKey); $title = $categoryName.' - '.$Site->title(); } return ''.$title.''.PHP_EOL; } // Return the metatag with a predefine structure public static function headDescription() { global $Site; global $WHERE_AM_I; global $page; $description = $Site->description(); if( $WHERE_AM_I=='page' ) { $description = $page->description(); } return ''.PHP_EOL; } public static function charset($charset) { return ''.PHP_EOL; } public static function viewport($content) { return ''.PHP_EOL; } public static function css($files) { if( !is_array($files) ) { $files = array($files); } $links = ''; foreach($files as $file) { $links .= ''.PHP_EOL; } return $links; } public static function javascript($files) { if( !is_array($files) ) { $files = array($files); } $scripts = ''; foreach($files as $file) { $scripts .= ''.PHP_EOL; } return $scripts; } public static function js($files) { return self::javascript($files); } public static function plugins($type) { global $plugins; foreach($plugins[$type] as $plugin) { echo call_user_func(array($plugin, $type)); } } // ---- OLD public static function favicon($file='favicon.png', $path=HTML_PATH_THEME_IMG, $typeIcon=true, $echo=true) { $type = 'image/png'; if($typeIcon) { $type = 'image/x-icon'; } $tmp = ''.PHP_EOL; if($echo) { echo $tmp; } return $tmp; } public static function keywords($keywords, $echo=true) { if(is_array($keywords)) { $keywords = implode(',', $keywords); } $tmp = ''.PHP_EOL; if($echo) { echo $tmp; } return $tmp; } public static function jquery($echo=true) { $tmp = ''.PHP_EOL; if($echo) { echo $tmp; } return $tmp; } public static function fontAwesome($echo=true, $online=false) { $tmp = ''.PHP_EOL; if($echo) { echo $tmp; } return $tmp; } } ?>