<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'head.php'); ?>

	<!-- Load Bludit Plugins: Site Body Begin -->
	<?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyBegin'); ?>

	<!-- Navbar -->
	<?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'navbar.php'); ?>

	<!-- Content -->
		// $WHERE_AM_I variable detect where the user is browsing
		// If the user is watching a particular page the variable takes the value "page"
		// If the user is watching the frontpage the variable takes the value "home"
		if ($WHERE_AM_I == 'page') {
		} else {

	<!-- Footer -->
	<?php include(THEME_DIR_PHP.'footer.php'); ?>

	<!-- Javascript -->
		echo Theme::jquery();
		echo Theme::js('js/bootstrap.min.js');

	<!-- Load Bludit Plugins: Site Body End -->
	<?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyEnd'); ?>
