<?php /* * Nibbleblog - * http://www.nibbleblog.com * Author Diego Najar * All Nibbleblog code is released under the GNU General Public License. * See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt. */ class Post { public static function title() { global $post; return $post['title']; } public static function description() { global $post; return $post['description']; } public static function comments() { global $post; global $_DB_COMMENTS; $comments = $_DB_COMMENTS->get_list_by_post( array('id_post'=>$post['id']) ); return $comments; } public static function num_comments() { global $post; return count($post['comments']); } public static function category($field=false) { global $post; global $_DB_CATEGORIES; $category = $_DB_CATEGORIES->get( array('id'=>$post['id_cat']) ); if($field=='id') return $category['id']; if($field=='slug') return $category['slug']; if($field=='permalink') return helperUrl::category($category['slug']); return $category['name']; } public static function read_more() { global $post; return $post['read_more']; } public static function allow_comments() { global $post; return $post['allow_comments']; } public static function permalink($absolute=false) { global $post; return helperUrl::post($post,$absolute); } public static function tags($return2array=false) { global $post; global $_DB_TAGS; $tags = $_DB_TAGS->get_by_idpost( array('id_post'=>$post['id']) ); if($return2array) return $tags; $html = '<ul>'; foreach($tags as $tag) $html .= '<li><a class="tag" href="'.helperUrl::tag($tag['name']).'">'.$tag['name_human'].'</a></li>'; $html .= '</ul>'; return $html; } public static function comment_count_link() { global $post; global $theme; global $Language; global $Comment; if(!$post['allow_comments']) return false; if( $Comment->disqus_enabled() ) { $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return '<a href="'.$url.'#disqus_thread">'.$Language->get('COMMENTS').'</a>'; } elseif( $Comment->facebook_enabled() ) { $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return '<a href="'.$post['permalink'].'#comment_form">'.$Language->get('COMMENTS').' (<fb:comments-count href="'.$url.'"></fb:comments-count>)</a>'; } else { return '<a href="'.$post['permalink'].'#comment_form">'.$Language->get('COMMENTS').' ('.count($post['comments']).')</a>'; } } // DEPRECATED // Last version available 4.0.3 public static function tweet_link() { global $post; $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return 'https://twitter.com/share?url='.urlencode($url); } public static function twitter($text=false) { global $post; $text = $text===false?'':$text; $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return 'http://twitter.com/home?status='.urlencode($text.' '.$url); } public static function facebook($text=false) { global $post; $text = $text===false?'':$text; $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u='.urlencode($text.' '.$url); } public static function linkedin($title=false, $text=false) { global $post; $title = $title===false?'':$title; $text = $text===false?'':$text; $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return 'http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url='.urlencode($url).'&title='.urlencode($title).'&summary='.urlencode($text); } public static function googleplus($text=false) { global $post; $text = $text===false?'':$text; $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return 'https://plus.google.com/share?url='.urlencode($text.' '.$url); } public static function mailto($text=false) { global $post; $text = $text===false?'':$text; $url = helperUrl::post($post, true); return 'mailto:?subject='.rawurlencode(Blog::name().' - '.$text).'&body='.urlencode($url); } public static function published($format=false) { global $post; global $settings; $format = $format===false?$settings['timestamp_format']:$format; return Date::format($post['pub_date_unix'], $format); } public static function modified($format=false) { global $post; global $settings; $format = $format===false?$settings['timestamp_format']:$format; return Date::format($post['mod_date_unix'], $format); } public static function content($full=false) { global $post; global $theme; if($post['type']=='quote') { $html = '<blockquote>'.$post['quote'].'</blockquote>'; } elseif($post['type']=='video') { $video_width = !isset($theme['video_width'])?640:$theme['video_width']; $video_height = !isset($theme['video_height'])?320:$theme['video_height']; $video_info = Video::video_get_info($post['video'], $video_width, $video_height); $html = '<div class="video-embed">'; $html .= $video_info['embed']; $html .= '</div>'; } else { if($full) $html = $post['content'][0]; else $html = $post['content'][1]; } return $html; } } ?>