array(), all pages parents // PageParent1 => array(), all children of the parent1 // ... => array(), all children of the parent... // PageParent9 => array(), all children of the parent9 // } $pagesParents = array(NO_PARENT_CHAR=>array()); // Array with all published pages, ordery by parent. $pagesParentsPublished = array(); // Array with all published parent pages $parents = array(); // ============================================================================ // Main // ============================================================================ // Search for changes on pages by the user. if( CLI_MODE ) { $dbPages->cliMode(); } // Build specific page. if( ($Url->whereAmI()==='page') && ($Url->notFound()===false) ) { $Page = buildPage( $Url->slug() ); // The page doesn't exist. if($Page===false) { $Url->setNotFound(true); unset($Page); } // The page is not published yet. elseif( !$Page->published() ) { $Url->setNotFound(true); unset($Page); } } // Homepage if( ($Url->whereAmI()==='home') && ($Url->notFound()===false) ) { // The user defined as homepage a particular page. if( Text::isNotEmpty( $Site->homepage() ) ) { $Url->setWhereAmI('page'); $Page = buildPage( $Site->homepage() ); if($Page===false) { $Url->setWhereAmI('home'); } } } if($Url->notFound()) { $Url->setWhereAmI('page'); $Page = new Page('error'); } // Build all pages $pages = buildAllPages();