{ "plugin-data": { "name": "Google Tools", "description": "This plugin generate the meta tag to validate your site with Google Webmasters Tools and the JavaScript code to track your site with Google Analytics.", "author": "Bludit", "email": "", "website": "https://github.com/dignajar/bludit-plugins", "version": "0.6", "releaseDate": "2015-11-13" }, "google-webmasters-tools": "Google Webmasters tools", "google-analytics-tracking-id": "Google Analytics Tracking ID", "complete-this-field-with-the-google-site-verification": "Complete this field with the Google Site verification to verify the site owner.", "complete-this-field-with-the-tracking-id": "Complete this field with the Tracking ID to generate the Javascript tracking code for Google Analytics." }