vars = false; if( $this->build($key) ) { $this->vars['key'] = $key; } } // Parse the content from the file index.txt private function build($key) { $filePath = PATH_PAGES.$key.DS.FILENAME; if( !Sanitize::pathFile($filePath) ) { return false; } $tmp = 0; $lines = file($filePath); foreach($lines as $lineNumber=>$line) { $parts = array_map('trim', explode(':', $line, 2)); // Lowercase variable $parts[0] = Text::lowercase($parts[0]); // If variables is content then break the foreach and process the content after. if($parts[0]==='content') { $tmp = $lineNumber; break; } if( !empty($parts[0]) && !empty($parts[1]) ) { // Sanitize all fields, except Content. $this->vars[$parts[0]] = Sanitize::html($parts[1]); } } // Process the content if($tmp!==0) { // Next line after "Content:" variable $tmp++; // Remove lines after Content $output = array_slice($lines, $tmp); if(!empty($parts[1])) { array_unshift($output, "\n"); array_unshift($output, $parts[1]); } $implode = implode($output); $this->vars['contentRaw'] = $implode; } return true; } // Returns TRUE if the content is loaded correctly, FALSE otherwise public function isValid() { return($this->vars!==false); } // Returns the value from the $field, FALSE if the field doesn't exist public function getField($field) { if(isset($this->vars[$field])) { return $this->vars[$field]; } return false; } // Set a field with a value public function setField($field, $value, $overwrite=true) { if($overwrite || empty($this->vars[$field])) { $this->vars[$field] = $value; } return true; } // Returns the content // This content is markdown parser // (boolean) $fullContent, TRUE returns all content, if FALSE returns the first part of the content // (boolean) $noSanitize, TRUE returns the content without sanitized public function content($fullContent=true, $noSanitize=true) { // This content is not sanitized. $content = $this->getField('content'); if(!$fullContent) { return $this->contentBreak(); } if($noSanitize) { return $content; } return Sanitize::html($content); } public function contentBreak() { return $this->getField('contentBreak'); } // Returns the raw content // This content is not markdown parser // (boolean) $noSanitize, TRUE returns the content without sanitized public function contentRaw($noSanitize=true) { // This content is not sanitized. $content = $this->getField('contentRaw'); if($noSanitize) { return $content; } return Sanitize::html($content); } // Returns the date according to locale settings and format settings public function date() { return $this->getField('date'); } // Returns the date according to locale settings and format as database stored // (string) $format, you can specify the date format public function dateRaw($format=false) { $date = $this->getField('dateRaw'); if($format) { return Date::format($date, DB_DATE_FORMAT, $format); } return $date; } // Returns the permalink // (boolean) $absolute, TRUE returns the page link with the DOMAIN, FALSE without the DOMAIN public function permalink($absolute=false) { global $Url; global $Site; $url = trim(DOMAIN_BASE,'/'); $key = $this->key(); $filter = trim($Url->filters('page'), '/'); $htmlPath = trim(HTML_PATH_ROOT,'/'); if(empty($filter)) { $tmp = $key; } else { $tmp = $filter.'/'.$key; } if($absolute) { return $url.'/'.$tmp; } if(empty($htmlPath)) { return '/'.$tmp; } return '/'.$htmlPath.'/'.$tmp; } // ---- OLD // Returns the user object // (boolean) $field, TRUE returns the value of the field, FALSE returns the object public function user($field=false) { // Get the user object. $User = $this->getField('user'); if($field) { return $User->getField($field); } return $User; } // Returns the username who created the post/page public function username() { return $this->getField('username'); } // Returns the description field public function description() { return $this->getField('description'); } // Returns relative time (e.g. "1 minute ago") // Based on // Modified for Bludit // $complete = false : short version // $complete = true : full version public function relativeTime($complete = false) { $current = new DateTime; $past = new DateTime($this->getField('date')); $elapsed = $current->diff($past); $elapsed->w = floor($elapsed->d / 7); $elapsed->d -= $elapsed->w * 7; $string = array( 'y' => 'year', 'm' => 'month', 'w' => 'week', 'd' => 'day', 'h' => 'hour', 'i' => 'minute', 's' => 'second', ); foreach($string as $key => &$value) { if($elapsed->$key) { $value = $elapsed->$key . ' ' . $value . ($elapsed->$key > 1 ? 's' : ' '); } else { unset($string[$key]); } } if(!$complete) { $string = array_slice($string, 0 , 1); } return $string ? implode(', ', $string) . ' ago' : 'Just now'; } // Returns the tags // (boolean) $returnsArray, TRUE to get the tags as an array, FALSE to get the tags separeted by comma public function tags($returnsArray=false) { global $Url; $tags = $this->getField('tags'); if($returnsArray) { if($tags==false) { return array(); } return $tags; } else { if($tags==false) { return false; } // Return string with tags separeted by comma. return implode(', ', $tags); } } public function json($returnsArray=false) { $tmp['key'] = $this->key(); $tmp['title'] = $this->title(); $tmp['content'] = $this->content(); // Markdown parsed $tmp['contentRaw'] = $this->contentRaw(); // No Markdown parsed $tmp['description'] = $this->description(); $tmp['date'] = $this->dateRaw(); $tmp['permalink'] = $this->permalink(true); if($returnsArray) { return $tmp; } return json_encode($tmp); } // Returns the file name of the cover image, FALSE there isn't a cover image setted // (boolean) $absolute, TRUE returns the absolute path and file name, FALSE just the file name public function coverImage($absolute=true) { $fileName = $this->getField('coverImage'); if(empty($fileName)) { return false; } if($absolute) { return HTML_PATH_UPLOADS.$fileName; } return $fileName; } // Returns TRUE if the content has the text splited public function readMore() { return $this->getField('readMore'); } // public function category() { return $this->getField('category'); } public function uuid() { return $this->getField('uuid'); } // Returns the field key public function key() { return $this->getField('key'); } // Returns TRUE if the post/page is published, FALSE otherwise. public function published() { return ($this->getField('status')==='published'); } // Returns TRUE if the post/page is scheduled, FALSE otherwise. public function scheduled() { return ($this->getField('status')==='scheduled'); } // Returns TRUE if the post/page is draft, FALSE otherwise. public function draft() { return ($this->getField('status')=='draft'); } // Returns the title field public function title() { return $this->getField('title'); } // Returns the page position public function position() { return $this->getField('position'); } // Returns the page slug public function slug() { $explode = explode('/', $this->getField('key')); // Check if the page have a parent. if(!empty($explode[1])) { return $explode[1]; } return $explode[0]; } // Returns the parent key, if the page doesn't have a parent returns FALSE public function parentKey() { $explode = explode('/', $this->getField('key')); if(isset($explode[1])) { return $explode[0]; } return false; } // Returns the parent method output, if the page doesn't have a parent returns FALSE public function parentMethod($method) { global $pages; if( isset($pages[$this->parentKey()]) ) { return $pages[$this->parentKey()]->{$method}(); } return false; } // Returns an array with all children's key public function children() { $tmp = array(); //$paths = glob(PATH_PAGES.$this->getField('key').DS.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $paths = Filesystem::listDirectories(PATH_PAGES.$this->getField('key').DS); foreach($paths as $path) { array_push($tmp, basename($path)); } return $tmp; } }