data = array(); $this->db = array(); // Default language en_US $filename = PATH_LANGUAGES.'en_US.json'; if(file_exists($filename)) { $Tmp = new dbJSON($filename, false); $this->db = array_merge($this->db, $Tmp->db); } // User language $filename = PATH_LANGUAGES.$language.'.json'; if( file_exists($filename) && ($language!=="en_US") ) { $Tmp = new dbJSON($filename, false); $this->db = array_merge($this->db, $Tmp->db); } $this->data = $this->db['language-data']; unset($this->db['language-data']); } // Return the translation, if the translation does'n exist then return the English translation. public function get($string) { $key = Text::lowercase($string); $key = Text::replace(' ', '-', $key); if(isset($this->db[$key])) { return $this->db[$key]; } return ''; } // Returns translation. public function g($string) { return $this->get($string); } // Print translation. public function printMe($string) { echo $this->get($string); } // Print translation. public function p($string) { echo $this->get($string); } public function add($array) { $this->db = array_merge($this->db, $array); } // Returns the item from plugin-data. public function getData($key) { if(isset($this->data[$key])) { return $this->data[$key]; } return ''; } // Returns an array with all dictionaries. public function getLanguageList() { $files = glob(PATH_LANGUAGES.'*.json'); $tmp = array(); foreach($files as $file) { $t = new dbJSON($file, false); $native = $t->db['language-data']['native']; $locale = basename($file, '.json'); $tmp[$locale] = $native; } return $tmp; } }