/* Story by HTML5 UP html5up.net | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) Note: Only needed for demo purposes. Delete for production sites. */ (function($) { var $window = $(window); // Styles. $( '' ).appendTo($('head')); // Functions. $.fn.demo_controls = function(styles, userOptions) { var $this = $(this), $styleProperty, $stylePropertyClasses, $controls, $x, $y, $z, options, current, i, j, k, s, n, count; // No elements? if (this.length == 0) return $this; // Multiple elements? if (this.length > 1) { for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) $(this[i]).demo_controls(styles, userOptions); return $this; } // Options. options = $.extend({ target: null, palette: true }, userOptions); // Controls. if (styles) { $controls = $( '' + '' + 'style' + '' + (options.palette ? ', ' : ' ') + '' + (options.palette ? '' + 'scheme' + '' + 'default' + 'invert' + ', ' + '' + '' + 'color' + '' + 'default' + 'color1' + 'color2' + 'color3' + 'color4' + 'color5' + 'color6' + 'color7' + ', ' + '' : '') + '' ); } else { $controls = $( '' + (options.palette ? '' + 'scheme' + '' + 'default' + 'invert' + ' and ' + '' + '' + 'color' + '' + 'default' + 'color1' + 'color2' + 'color3' + 'color4' + 'color5' + 'color6' + 'color7' + '' + '' : '') + '' ); } // Target. switch (options.target) { case 'previous': $this.prev().find('.demo-controls').replaceWith($controls); break; default: $this.find('.demo-controls').replaceWith($controls); break; } // Styles. if (styles) { $styleProperty = $controls.find('.property[data-name="style"]'); $stylePropertyClasses = $styleProperty.children('.classes'); for (i in styles) { current = false; count = Object.keys(styles[i]).length; n = 1; // Add to style property. $x = $(', ' + i + '') .appendTo($stylePropertyClasses); if ($this.hasClass(i)) { $x.addClass('active'); current = true; } // Step through properties. for (j in styles[i]) { $x = $( '' + (n == count ? 'and ' : '') + '' + j + '' + '' + '' + (n < count ? ', ' : '') + '' ).appendTo($controls); $y = $x.children('.classes'); if (current) $x.addClass('active'); for (k in styles[i][j]) { $z = $(', ' + styles[i][j][k].replace('*', '') + '') .appendTo($y); if (styles[i][j][k].substr(-1, 1) == '*') $z.addClass('default'); if (current && $this.hasClass(k)) $z.addClass('active'); } n++; } } } // Events. $controls.on('click', 'a', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); $controls.on('click', '.property.active', function(event) { var $property = $(this); var $classes = $property.find('.classes > *'); var $current = $classes.filter('.active'); var $next; // Determine next. if ($current.length == 0 || $current.index() == $classes.length - 1) $next = $classes.first(); else $next = $current.next(); // Turn on animate all. $this.addClass('demo-animate-all'); // Deactivate current. $current.removeClass('active'); $this.removeClass($current.data('class')); // Activate next. $next.addClass('active'); $this.addClass($next.data('class')); // Turn off animate all. setTimeout(function() { $this.removeClass('demo-animate-all'); }, 500); }); $controls.on('click', '.property[data-name="style"]', function(event) { var $property = $(this); var $classes = $property.find('.classes > *'); var $current = $classes.filter('.active'); var $next; // Determine next. if ($current.length == 0 || $current.index() == $classes.length - 1) $next = $classes.first(); else $next = $current.next(); // Turn on animate all. $this.addClass('demo-animate-all'); // Deactivate current. $current.removeClass('active'); $this.removeClass($current.data('class')); $controls.find('.property[data-requires="' + $current.data('class') + '"]') .removeClass('active'); $controls.find('.property[data-requires="' + $current.data('class') + '"] > .classes > .active').each(function() { $(this).removeClass('active'); if ($(this).data('class') != '-') $this.removeClass($(this).data('class')); }); // Activate next. $next.addClass('active'); $this.addClass($next.data('class')); $controls.find('.property[data-requires="' + $next.data('class') + '"]') .addClass('active'); $controls.find('.property[data-requires="' + $next.data('class') + '"] > .classes > .default').each(function() { $(this).addClass('active'); if ($(this).data('class') != '-') $this.addClass($(this).data('class')); }); // Turn off animate all. setTimeout(function() { $this.removeClass('demo-animate-all'); }, 500); }); }; // Elements. // Wrappers. $('.wrapper').demo_controls(null, { palette: true }); // Banner. $('.banner').demo_controls({ style1: { 'size': { '-': 'normal', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen*' }, 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left*', 'orient-right': 'right' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style2: { 'size': { '-': 'normal', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen*' }, 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left', 'orient-center': 'center*', 'orient-right': 'right' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left', 'content-align-center': 'center*', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style3: { 'size': { '-': 'normal', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen*' }, 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left', 'orient-right': 'right*' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style4: { 'size': { '-': 'normal', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen*' }, 'phone type': { 'iphone': 'iphone*', 'android': 'android' }, 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left', 'orient-right': 'right*' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style5: { 'size': { '-': 'normal', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen*' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left', 'content-align-center': 'center*', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } } }); // Spotlight. $('.spotlight').demo_controls({ style1: { 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left', 'orient-right': 'right*' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left*', 'image-position-center': 'center', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style2: { 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left', 'orient-right': 'right*' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style3: { 'phone type': { 'iphone': 'iphone*', 'android': 'android' }, 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left', 'orient-right': 'right*' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style4: { 'size': { '-size': 'normal', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen*', 'halfscreen': 'halfscreen' }, 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left*', 'orient-center': 'center', 'orient-right': 'right' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, style5: { 'size': { '-size': 'normal', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen*', 'halfscreen': 'halfscreen' }, 'orientation': { 'orient-left': 'left*', 'orient-center': 'center', 'orient-right': 'right' }, 'content alignment': { 'content-align-left': 'left*', 'content-align-center': 'center', 'content-align-right': 'right' }, 'image position': { 'image-position-left': 'left', 'image-position-center': 'center*', 'image-position-right': 'right' } }, }); // Gallery. $('.gallery').demo_controls({ style1: { 'size': { 'small': 'small', 'medium': 'medium*', 'big': 'big' } }, style2: { 'size': { 'small': 'small', 'medium': 'medium*', 'big': 'big' } }, }, { target: 'previous', palette: false }); // Items. $('.items').demo_controls({ style1: { 'size': { 'small': 'small', 'medium': 'medium*', 'big': 'big' } }, style2: { 'size': { 'small': 'small', 'medium': 'medium*', 'big': 'big' } }, style3: { 'size': { 'small': 'small', 'medium': 'medium*', 'big': 'big' } } }, { target: 'previous', palette: false }); })(jQuery);