<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');

class Users extends dbJSON {

	protected $dbFields = array(
		'role'=>'editor', // admin, editor, writer
		'salt'=>'!Pink Floyd!Welcome to the machine!',
		'registered'=>'1985-03-15 10:00',
		'tokenAuthTTL'=>'2009-03-15 14:00',

	function __construct()

	public function getDefaultFields()
		return $this->dbFields;

	// Return an array with the database of the user, FALSE otherwise
	public function getUserDB($username)
		if ($this->exists($username)) {
			return $this->db[$username];
		return false;

	// Return TRUE if the user exists, FALSE otherwise
	public function exists($username)
		return isset($this->db[$username]);

	// Disable the user
	public function disableUser($username)
		$this->db[$username]['password'] = '!';
		return $this->save();

	// Add a new user
	public function add($args)
		// The username is store as key and not as field
		$username = $args['username'];

		// The password is hashed, the password doesn't need to be sanitize in the next step
		$password = $args['password'];

		$row = array();
		foreach ($this->dbFields as $field=>$value) {
			if (isset($args[$field])) {
				// Sanitize if will be stored on database
				$finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]);
			} else {
				// Default value for the field if not defined
				$finalValue = $value;
			settype($finalValue, gettype($value));
			$row[$field] = $finalValue;

		$row['registered'] = Date::current(DB_DATE_FORMAT);
		$row['salt'] = $this->generateSalt();
		$row['password'] = $this->generatePasswordHash($password, $row['salt']);
		$row['tokenAuth'] = $this->generateAuthToken();

		// Save the database
		$this->db[$username] = $row;
		return $this->save();

	// Edit an user
	public function set($args)
		// The username is store as key and not as field
		$username = $args['username'];

		// Current database of the user
		$row = $this->db[$username];
		foreach ($this->dbFields as $field=>$value) {
			if ($field!=='password') {
				if (isset($args[$field])) {
					// Sanitize if will be stored on database
					$finalValue = Sanitize::html($args[$field]);
				} else {
					// Default value is the current one
					$finalValue = $row[$field];
				settype($finalValue, gettype($value));
				$row[$field] = $finalValue;

		// Set a new password
		if (!empty($args['password'])) {
			$row['salt'] = $this->generateSalt();
			$row['password'] = $this->generatePasswordHash($args['password'], $row['salt']);
			$row['tokenAuth'] = $this->generateAuthToken();

		// Save the database
		$this->db[$username] = $row;
		return $this->save();

	// Delete an user
	public function delete($username)
		return $this->save();

	public function generateAuthToken()
		return md5( uniqid().time().DOMAIN );

	public function generateRememberToken()
		return $this->generateAuthToken();

	public function generateSalt()
		return Text::randomText(SALT_LENGTH);

	public function generatePasswordHash($password, $salt)
		return sha1($password.$salt);

	public function setRememberToken($username, $token)
		$args['username']	= $username;
		$args['tokenRemember']	= $token;
		return $this->set($args);

	// Change user password
	// args => array( username, password )
	public function setPassword($args)
		return $this->set($args);

	// Return the username associated to an email, FALSE otherwise
	public function getByEmail($email)
		foreach ($this->db as $username=>$values) {
			if ($values['email']==$email) {
				return $username;
		return false;

	// Returns the username with the authentication token assigned, FALSE otherwise
	public function getByAuthToken($token)
		foreach ($this->db as $username=>$fields) {
			if ($fields['tokenAuth']==$token) {
				return $username;
		return false;

	// Returns the username with the remember token assigned, FALSE otherwise
	public function getByRememberToken($token)
		foreach ($this->db as $username=>$fields) {
			if (!empty($fields['tokenRemember'])) {
				if ($fields['tokenRemember']==$token) {
					return $username;
		return false;

	// This function clean all tokens for Remember me
	// This function is used when some hacker try to use an invalid remember token
	public function invalidateAllRememberTokens()
		foreach ($this->db as $username=>$values) {
			$this->db[$username]['tokenRemember'] = '';
		return $this->save();

	public function keys()
		return array_keys($this->db);