role()!=='admin') { Alert::set('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page, contact the administrator.'); Redirect::page('admin', 'dashboard'); } // ============================================================================ // Functions // ============================================================================ function addUser($args) { global $dbUsers; // Check if the username already exist in db. if( $dbUsers->userExists($args['username']) || Text::isEmpty($args['username']) ) { Alert::set('Username already exists or is empty'); return false; } // Validate password. if( ($args['password'] != $args['confirm-password'] ) || Text::isEmpty($args['password']) ) { Alert::set('The password and confirmation password do not match'); return false; } // Add the user. if( $dbUsers->add($args) ) { Alert::set('User has been added successfull'); return true; } else { Alert::set('Error occurred when trying to add a new user'); return false; } } // ============================================================================ // POST Method // ============================================================================ if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ) { if( addUser($_POST) ) { Redirect::page('admin', 'users'); } } // ============================================================================ // Main // ============================================================================