<?php defined('BLUDIT') or die('Bludit CMS.');
header('Content-Type: application/json');

| Upload site logo
| The final filename is the site's name and the extension is the same as the file uploaded
| @_FILES['inputFile']	multipart/form-data	File from form
| @return	array

if (!isset($_FILES['inputFile'])) {
	ajaxResponse(1, 'Error trying to upload the site logo.');

// File extension
$fileExtension = Filesystem::extension($_FILES['inputFile']['name']);
$fileExtension = Text::lowercase($fileExtension);
if (!in_array($fileExtension, $GLOBALS['ALLOWED_IMG_EXTENSION']) ) {
	$message = 'File type is not supported. Allowed types: '.implode(', ',$GLOBALS['ALLOWED_IMG_EXTENSION']);
	Log::set($message, LOG_TYPE_ERROR);
	ajaxResponse(1, $message);

// Final filename
$filename = 'logo.'.$fileExtension;
if (Text::isNotEmpty( $site->title() )) {
	$filename = $site->title().'.'.$fileExtension;

// Delete old image
$oldFilename = $site->logo(false);
if ($oldFilename) {

// Move from temporary directory to uploads
Filesystem::mv($_FILES['inputFile']['tmp_name'], PATH_UPLOADS.$filename);

// Permissions
chmod(PATH_UPLOADS.$filename, 0644);

// Store the filename in the database

ajaxResponse(0, 'Image uploaded.', array(
