1, 'msg'=>'Invalid extension file.' ))); } // Generate the next filename if the filename already exist. $tmpName = $filename.'.'.$fileExtension; if( file_exists(PATH_UPLOADS.$tmpName) ) { $number = 0; $tmpName = $filename.'_'.$number.'.'.$fileExtension; while(file_exists(PATH_UPLOADS.$tmpName)) { $number++; $tmpName = $filename.'_'.$number.'.'.$fileExtension; } } // Move from temporary PHP folder to temporary Bludit folder. move_uploaded_file($source, PATH_TMP.'original'.'.'.$fileExtension); // --- PROFILE PICTURE --- if($type=='profilePicture') { // Resize and crop profile image. $username = Sanitize::html($_POST['username']); $tmpName = $username.'.png'; $Image = new Image(); $Image->setImage(PATH_TMP.'original'.'.'.$fileExtension, PROFILE_IMG_WIDTH, PROFILE_IMG_HEIGHT, 'crop'); $Image->saveImage(PATH_UPLOADS_PROFILES.$tmpName, PROFILE_IMG_QUALITY, false, true); } // --- OTHERS --- else { // Generate the thumbnail $Image = new Image(); //Handling all other formats than svg if (strcasecmp($fileExtension, 'svg') != 0) { $Image->setImage(PATH_TMP.'original'.'.'.$fileExtension, THUMBNAILS_WIDTH, THUMBNAILS_HEIGHT, 'crop'); $Image->saveImage(PATH_UPLOADS_THUMBNAILS.$tmpName, THUMBNAILS_QUALITY, true); } // Move the original to the upload folder. rename(PATH_TMP.'original'.'.'.$fileExtension, PATH_UPLOADS.$tmpName); //If it is a svg file, just save a copy in thumbnail-folder if (strcasecmp($fileExtension, 'svg') == 0) { symlink(PATH_UPLOADS.$tmpName, PATH_UPLOADS_THUMBNAILS.$tmpName); } } // Remove the Bludit temporary file. if(file_exists(PATH_TMP.'original'.'.'.$fileExtension)) { unlink(PATH_TMP.'original'.'.'.$fileExtension); } exit(json_encode(array( 'status'=>0, 'filename'=>$tmpName ))); ?>