$L->g('External Cover Image')));
echo Bootstrap::formInputTextBlock(array(
'tip'=>$L->g('Set a cover image from external URL, such as a CDN or some server dedicated for images.')
p('Advanced') ?>
// Date
echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array(
'tip'=>$L->g('Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Hours:Minutes:Seconds')
// Type
echo Bootstrap::formSelect(array(
'published'=>'- '.$L->g('Default').' -',
// Parent
echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array(
'tip'=>$L->g('Start typing a page title to see a list of suggestions.'),
// Position
echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array(
'tip'=>$L->g('Field used when ordering content by position'),
// Template
echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array(
'tip'=>$L->g('Write a template name to filter the page in the theme and change the style of the page.')
echo Bootstrap::formTitle(array('title'=>$L->g('SEO')));
// Tags
echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array(
'tip'=>$L->g('Write the tags separated by comma')
// Friendly URL
echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array(
'tip'=>$L->g('URL associated with the content'),
'label'=>$L->g('Friendly URL'),
'placeholder'=>$L->g('Leave empty for autocomplete by Bludit.')
echo Bootstrap::formCheckbox(array(
'labelForCheckbox'=>$L->g('Apply noindex to this page'),
'tip'=>$L->g('This tells search engines not to show this page in their search results.')
echo Bootstrap::formCheckbox(array(
'labelForCheckbox'=>$L->g('Apply nofollow to this page'),
'tip'=>$L->g('This tells search engines not to follow links on this page.')
echo Bootstrap::formCheckbox(array(
'labelForCheckbox'=>$L->g('Apply noarchive to this page'),
'tip'=>$L->g('This tells search engines not to save a cached copy of this page.')