'jsform', 'class'=>'tab-content mt-1' )); // Token CSRF echo Bootstrap::formInputHidden(array( 'name'=>'tokenCSRF', 'value'=>$security->getTokenCSRF() )); // Parent echo Bootstrap::formInputHidden(array( 'name'=>'parent', 'value'=>$page->parent() )); // UUID echo Bootstrap::formInputHidden(array( 'name'=>'uuid', 'value'=>$page->uuid() )); // Status = published, draft, sticky, static echo Bootstrap::formInputHidden(array( 'name'=>'type', 'value'=>$page->type() )); // Page current key echo Bootstrap::formInputHidden(array( 'name'=>'key', 'value'=>$page->key() )); // Cover image echo Bootstrap::formInputHidden(array( 'name'=>'coverImage', 'value'=>$page->coverImage() )); // Content echo Bootstrap::formInputHidden(array( 'name'=>'content', 'value'=>'' )); ?>
draft()): ?>
The content is saved as a draft. To publish it click on the button Publish or if you still working on it click on Save as draft.
g('Cancel') ?> children())===0) { echo ''; } ?>

Cover Image

coverImage(false); $externalCoverImage = ''; if (filter_var($coverImage, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $coverImage = ''; $externalCoverImage = $page->coverImage(false); } ?> coverImagePreview 'External Cover image')); echo Bootstrap::formInputTextBlock(array( 'name'=>'externalCoverImage', 'placeholder'=>'https://', 'value'=>$externalCoverImage, 'tip'=>'Set a cover image from external URL, such as a CDN or some server dedicate for images.' )); ?>

Cover Image

'date', 'label'=>'Date', 'placeholder'=>'', 'value'=>$page->dateRaw(), 'tip'=>'Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Hours:Minutes:Seconds' )); // Type echo Bootstrap::formSelect(array( 'name'=>'typeTMP', 'label'=>'Type', 'selected'=>$page->type(), 'options'=>array( 'published'=>'- Default -', 'sticky'=>'Sticky', 'static'=>'Static' ), 'tip'=>'???' )); // Parent try { $parentKey = $page->parent(); $parent = new PageX($parentKey); $parentOption = $parent->title(); } catch (Exception $e) { $parentOption = ''; } echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array( 'name'=>'parentTMP', 'label'=>$L->g('Parent'), 'placeholder'=>'', 'tip'=>'Start typing a page title to see a list of suggestions.', 'value'=>$parentOption )); // Position echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array( 'name'=>'position', 'label'=>$L->g('Position'), 'tip'=>'Field used when ordering content by position', 'value'=>$page->position() )); // Template echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array( 'name'=>'template', 'label'=>'Template', 'placeholder'=>'', 'value'=>$page->template(), 'tip'=>'Write a template name to filter the page in the theme and change the style of the page.' )); echo Bootstrap::formTitle(array('title'=>'SEO')); // Tags echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array( 'name'=>'tags', 'label'=>'Tags', 'placeholder'=>'', 'value'=>$page->tags(), 'tip'=>'Write the tags separeted by comma' )); // Friendly URL echo Bootstrap::formInputText(array( 'name'=>'slug', 'tip'=>$L->g('URL associated with the content'), 'label'=>$L->g('Friendly URL'), 'placeholder'=>'Leave empty for autocomplete by Bludit.', 'value'=>$page->slug() )); echo Bootstrap::formCheckbox(array( 'name'=>'noindex', 'label'=>'Robots', 'labelForCheckbox'=>'Apply noindex to this page', 'placeholder'=>'', 'class'=>'mt-4', 'checked'=>$page->noindex(), 'tip'=>'This tells search engines not to show this page in their search results.' )); echo Bootstrap::formCheckbox(array( 'name'=>'nofollow', 'label'=>'', 'labelForCheckbox'=>'Apply nofollow to this page', 'placeholder'=>'', 'checked'=>$page->nofollow(), 'tip'=>'This tells search engines not to follow links on this page.' )); echo Bootstrap::formCheckbox(array( 'name'=>'noarchive', 'label'=>'', 'labelForCheckbox'=>'Apply noarchive to this page', 'placeholder'=>'', 'checked'=>$page->noarchive(), 'tip'=>'This tells search engines not to save a cached copy of this page.' )); ?>