create_function('$input', 'return "".htmlentities($input[2])."
// Truncates the string under the limit specified by the limit parameter.
public static function truncate($string, $limit, $end = '...')
// Check if over $limit
if(mb_strlen($string) > $limit) {
// Check if string is only one word
if(preg_match('/\s/', $string)) {
// Append the string specified by the end parameter to the end of the string as it is over the limit.
$truncate = trim(mb_substr($string, 0, mb_strpos($string, ' ', $limit, CHARSET), CHARSET));
} else {
$truncate = trim(mb_substr($string, 0, $limit, CHARSET));
$truncate = $truncate.$end;
} else {
$truncate = $string;
if(empty($truncate)) {
return '';
return $truncate;