<?php class plugineasyMDE extends Plugin { // The plugin is going to be loaded in this views private $loadOnViews = array( 'new-content', 'edit-content' ); public function init() { $this->dbFields = array( 'tabSize'=>'2', 'toolbar'=>'"bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "quote", "unordered-list", "|", "link", "image", "code", "horizontal-rule", "|", "preview", "side-by-side", "fullscreen"', 'spellChecker'=>true ); } public function form() { global $L; $html = '<div>'; $html .= '<label>'.$L->get('toolbar').'</label>'; $html .= '<input name="toolbar" id="jstoolbar" type="text" value="'.$this->getValue('toolbar').'">'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<label>'.$L->get('tab-size').'</label>'; $html .= '<input name="tabSize" id="jstabSize" type="text" value="'.$this->getValue('tabSize').'">'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div>'; $html .= '<label>'.$L->get('spell-checker').'</label>'; $html .= '<select name="spellChecker">'; $html .= '<option value="true" '.($this->getValue('spellChecker')===true?'selected':'').'>'.$L->get('enabled').'</option>'; $html .= '<option value="false" '.($this->getValue('spellChecker')===false?'selected':'').'>'.$L->get('disabled').'</option>'; $html .= '</select>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } public function adminHead() { if (!in_array($GLOBALS['ADMIN_VIEW'], $this->loadOnViews)) { return false; } // Include plugin's CSS files $html = $this->includeCSS('easymde.min.css'); $html .= $this->includeCSS('bludit.css'); return $html; } public function adminBodyEnd() { if (!in_array($GLOBALS['ADMIN_VIEW'], $this->loadOnViews)) { return false; } // Language global $L; $langImage = $L->g('Image description'); $spellCheckerEnable = $this->getValue('spellChecker')?'true':'false'; $tabSize = $this->getValue('tabSize'); $toolbar = Sanitize::htmlDecode($this->getValue('toolbar')); $pageBreak = PAGE_BREAK; // Javascript path and file $jsEasyMDE = $this->domainPath().'js/easymde.min.js?version='.BLUDIT_VERSION; return <<<EOF <script charset="utf-8" src="$jsEasyMDE"></script> <script> var easymde = null; // Insert an image in the editor at the cursor position // Function required for Bludit function editorInsertMedia(filename) { var text = easymde.value(); easymde.value(text + "" + "\\n"); easymde.codemirror.refresh(); } // Returns the content of the editor // Function required for Bludit function editorGetContent() { return easymde.value(); } easymde = new EasyMDE({ element: document.getElementById("jseditor"), status: false, toolbarTips: true, toolbarGuideIcon: true, autofocus: false, placeholder: "", lineWrapping: true, autoDownloadFontAwesome: false, indentWithTabs: true, tabSize: $tabSize, spellChecker: $spellCheckerEnable, toolbar: [$toolbar, "|", { name: "pageBreak", action: function addPageBreak(editor){ var cm = editor.codemirror; output = "$pageBreak"; cm.replaceSelection(output); }, className: "fa fa-crop", title: "Page break", }] }); </script> EOF; } }