db[$key]) ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error key does not exist '.$key); return array(); } $list = $this->db[$key]['list']; $total = count($list); $init = (int) $amountOfItems * $pageNumber; $end = (int) min( ($init + $amountOfItems - 1), $total ); $outrange = $init<0 ? true : $init>$end; if($outrange) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error out of range'); return array(); } $list = array_flip($list); return array_slice($list, $init, $amountOfItems, true); } public function generateKey($name) { return Text::cleanUrl($name); } public function add($name) { $key = $this->generateKey($name); if( isset($this->db[$key]) ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error key already exist: '.$key); return false; } $this->db[$key]['name'] = $name; $this->db[$key]['list'] = array(); $this->save(); return $key; } public function remove($key) { if( !isset($this->db[$key]) ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'The key does not exist, key: '.$key); return false; } unset($this->db[$key]); return $this->save(); } public function edit($oldKey, $newName) { $newKey = $this->generateKey($newName); if( isset($this->db[$newKey]) ) { Log::set(__METHOD__.LOG_SEP.'Error the key already exist'); return false; } $this->db[$newKey]['name'] = $newName; $this->db[$newKey]['list'] = $this->db[$oldKey]['list']; // Remove the old category unset( $this->db[$oldKey] ); $this->save(); return $newKey; } // Returns the name associated to the key, FALSE if the key doesn't exist public function getName($key) { if( isset($this->db[$key]) ) { return $this->db[$key]['name']; } return false; } // Returns an array with key=>name of the list public function getKeyNameArray($sortAlphanumeric=true) { $tmp = array(); foreach($this->db as $key=>$fields) { $tmp[$key] = $fields['name']; } // Sort alphanumeric strings, a01, a10, a11, a20 if($sortAlphanumeric) { natcasesort($tmp); } return $tmp; } // Returns the amount of items for some key public function countItems($key) { if( isset($this->db[$key]) ) { return count($this->db[$key]['list']); } return 0; } }