
class pluginUpdater extends Plugin {

	// Define if the extension zip is loaded
	private $zip = false;
	private $urlLatestVersionFile = 'https://';
	private $localLatestVersionFile = '';

	public function init()
		// Disable default form buttons (Save and Cancel)
		$this->formButtons = false;

		// Check for zip extension installed
		$this->zip = extension_loaded('zip');

		// Local full path of the file of the latest version of Bludit
		$this->localLatestVersionFile = $this->workspace().DS.'bludit-latest.zip';

	// Redefine workspace
	public function workspace()
		return PATH_CONTENT.'updater'.DS;

	// Install the plugin and create the workspace directory
	public function install($position=0)
		$workspace = $this->workspace();
		return mkdir($workspace, 0755, true);

	// Uninstall the plugin and delete the workspace directory
	public function uninstall()
		$workspace = $this->workspace();
		return Filesystem::deleteRecursive($workspace);

	// Check if the root directory is writable
	public function isWritable()
		return is_writable(PATH_ROOT);

	// Create a copy of all the system and compress it
	// Returns the name of the backup directory
	public function makeFullBackup()
		$currentDate = Date::current(BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT);
		$backupDirectory = $this->workspace().$currentDate;

		// Copy all files from PATH_ROOT to $backupDirectory, also omit the directory $backupDirectory
		Filesystem::copyRecursive(PATH_ROOT, $backupDirectory, $backupDirectory);

		// Compress the backup directory
		if (Filesystem::zip($backupDirectory, $backupDirectory.'.zip')) {

		return $backupDirectory;

	// Download the latest version of Bludit
	public function downloadLatestVersion()
		return TCP::download($this->urlLatestVersionFile, $this->localLatestVersionFile);

	public function validChecksum()
		// IMPLEMENT !!!
		return true;

	// Unzip the latest version and replace the old files
	public function upgradeFiles()
		return Filesystem::unzip($this->localLatestVersionFile, PATH_ROOT);

	public function post()
		if (isset($_POST['updateNow'])) {
			echo 'Making a backup';

			echo 'Downloading the latest version of Bludit';

			echo 'Validating checksum';
			if ($this->validChecksum()) {
				echo 'Updating files';
				return $this->upgradeFiles();

		return false;

	public function form()
		global $L;

		return '<div class="alert alert-success">This plugin is not yet complete</div>';

		if ($this->zip===false) {
			return '<div class="alert alert-success">The extension zip file is not installed, to use this plugin you need install the extension first.</div>';

		$html  = '<div>';
		$html .= '<button name="updateNow" value="true" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">'.$L->get('Update Now').'</button>';
		$html .= '</div>';

		return $html;
