Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"native": "Nederlands",
"english-name": "Dutch",
"last-update": "2015-12-23",
"author": "Ray",
"last-update": "2016-10-11",
"author": "Ray, Joery Zegers",
"email": "",
"website": ""
@ -37,12 +37,11 @@
"draft": "Concept",
"delete": "Verwijder",
"registered": "Geregistreerd",
"Notifications": "Berichtgevingen",
"Notifications": "Notificaties",
"profile": "Profiel",
"email": "Email",
"settings": "Instellingen",
"general": "Algemeen",
"Advanced": "Geavanceerd",
"advanced": "Geavanceerd",
"regional": "Taal/Tijd/Locatie",
"about": "Over ons",
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@
"prev-page": "Vorige pagina",
"next-page": "Volgende pagina",
"configure-plugin": "Configureer de plugin",
"confirm-delete-this-action-cannot-be-undone": "Bevestig het verwijderen,dit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.",
"confirm-delete-this-action-cannot-be-undone": "Bevestig het verwijderen, dit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.",
"site-title": "Titel van de site",
"site-slogan": "Slogan voor de site",
"site-description": "Omschrijving van de site",
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@
"publish-now": "Publiceer nu",
"first-name": "Voornaam",
"last-name": "Achternaam",
"bludit-version": "Bludit Versie",
"bludit-version": "Bludit versie",
"powered-by": "Aangestuurd door",
"recent-posts": "Recente artikelen",
"manage-pages": "Beheer pagina's",
@ -104,22 +103,22 @@
"the-password-and-confirmation-password-do-not-match":"Ingevoerde wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk aan elkaar",
"user-has-been-added-successfully": "Gebruiker toegevoegd",
"you-do-not-have-sufficient-permissions": "Onvoldoende rechten voor deze uitvoering",
"settings-advanced-writting-settings": "Instellingen-> Geavanceerd-> Schrijf instellingen",
"settings-advanced-writting-settings": "Instellingen -> Geavanceerd -> Schrijf instellingen",
"new-posts-and-pages-synchronized": "Pagina's en artikelen zijn gesynchroniseerd.",
"you-can-choose-the-users-privilege": "Stel hier privileges in. De editor rol kan alleen pagina's en artikelen plaatsen.",
"email-will-not-be-publicly-displayed": "Email(afgeschermd). Aanbevolen voor vergeten wachtwoord en notificaties ",
"use-this-field-to-name-your-site": "Titel van de site,wordt op iedere pagina weergegeven.",
"you-can-choose-the-users-privilege": "Stel hier de rechten in. De editor rol kan alleen pagina's en artikelen plaatsen.",
"email-will-not-be-publicly-displayed": "Email (afgeschermd). Aanbevolen voor vergeten wachtwoord en notificaties.",
"use-this-field-to-name-your-site": "Titel van de site, deze wordt op iedere pagina weergegeven.",
"use-this-field-to-add-a-catchy-phrase": "Slogan voor je site.",
"you-can-add-a-site-description-to-provide": "Korte omschrijving van je site.",
"you-can-add-a-small-text-on-the-bottom": "Plaats hier een korte tekst( bijv.copyright / datum / merknaam )",
"you-can-add-a-small-text-on-the-bottom": "Plaats hier een korte tekst (bijvoorbeeld de copyright, datum of merknaam)",
"number-of-posts-to-show-per-page": "Aantal artikelen per pagina.",
"the-url-of-your-site": "De url van je site.",
"add-or-edit-description-tags-or": "Plaats of bewerk omschrijving / tags / gebruiksvriendelijke URL.",
"the-url-of-your-site": "De URL van je site.",
"add-or-edit-description-tags-or": "Plaats of bewerk de omschrijving, tags of de gebruiksvriendelijke URL.",
"select-your-sites-language": "Selecteer taal.",
"select-a-timezone-for-a-correct": "Selecteer de tijdzone.",
"you-can-use-this-field-to-define-a-set-of": "Speciale instellingen voor tijd / datum.",
"you-can-modify-the-url-which-identifies":"Plaats hier de tekst voor gebruiksvriendelijke URL / niet meer dan 150 leestekens.",
"this-field-can-help-describe-the-content": "Omschrijving voor gebruiksvriendelijke URL / niet meer dan 150 leestekens.",
"you-can-use-this-field-to-define-a-set-of": "Je kan dit veld gebruiken om speciale instellingen toe te passen aan de taal of land.",
"you-can-modify-the-url-which-identifies":"Je kan de URL aanpassen om pagina's of posts beter te identificeren. Niet meer dan 150 karakters.",
"this-field-can-help-describe-the-content": "Dit veld kan je gebruiken om de content te omschrijven in een paar woorden. Niet meer dan 150 karakters.",
"delete-the-user-and-all-its-posts":"Verwijder de gebruiker en alle berichten",
"delete-the-user-and-associate-its-posts-to-admin-user": "Verwijder de gebruiker en koppel deze berichten aan de admin",
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@
"first-post": "Eerste bericht",
"congratulations-you-have-successfully-installed-your-bludit": "Gefeliciteerd je hebt succesvol **Bludit** geinstalleerd.",
"whats-next": "Wat nu",
"manage-your-bludit-from-the-admin-panel": "Beheer Bludit vanuit [admin area](./admin/)",
"follow-bludit-on": "Volg Bludit via",
"visit-the-support-forum": "Bezoek het [forum]( voor ondersteuning",
"read-the-documentation-for-more-information": "Lees de [documentatie]( voor meer informatie",
@ -158,21 +157,21 @@
"proceed-anyway": "Alsnog doorgaan!",
"ip-address-has-been-blocked": "IP adres is geblokkeerd.",
"try-again-in-a-few-minutes": "Probeer het zo meteen nogmaals.",
"try-again-in-a-few-minutes": "Probeer het zometeen opnieuw.",
"date": "Datum",
"scheduled": "Ingepland",
"publish": "Publiseer",
"publish": "Publiceer",
"please-check-your-theme-configuration": "Controleer je thema configuratie.",
"plugin-label": "Plugin label",
"enabled": "Ingeschakeld",
"disabled": "Uitgeschakeld",
"cli-mode": "Cli mode",
"command-line-mode": "Opdracht lijn mode",
"enable-the-command-line-mode-if-you-add-edit": "Schakel de opdracht lijn mode in als je posten en pagina's toevoegd, aanpast of verwijderd van het bestandssysteem",
"cli-mode": "CLI mode",
"command-line-mode": "opdrachtprompt mode",
"enable-the-command-line-mode-if-you-add-edit": "Schakel de opdrachtprompt mode in als je posten en pagina's toevoegd, aanpast of verwijderd vanuit het bestandssysteem",
"configure": "Instellen",
"uninstall": "Uitinstalleren",
"uninstall": "Deinstalleren",
"change-password": "Verander wachtwoord",
"to-schedule-the-post-just-select-the-date-and-time": "Om je post in te plannen, selecteer een datum en tijd.",
"write-the-tags-separated-by-commas": "Schrijf tags gescheiden door komma's.",
@ -185,16 +184,16 @@
"sender-email": "Verzend email adres",
"emails-will-be-sent-from-this-address":"Emails zullen vanaf dit adres verzonden worden.",
"bludit-login-access-code": "BLUDIT - Inlog toegangs code",
"check-your-inbox-for-your-login-access-code":"Contreoleer je inbox voor jouw inlog toegangs code",
"check-your-inbox-for-your-login-access-code":"Controleer je inbox voor jouw inlog toegangs code",
"there-was-a-problem-sending-the-email":"Er was een probleem met het verzenden van de email",
"back-to-login-form": "Terug naar inlog formulier",
"send-me-a-login-access-code": "Stuur mij een inlog toegangs code",
"get-login-access-code": "Krijg een inlog toegangs code",
"email-notification-login-access-code": "<p>TDit is een bericht van je website {{WEBSITE_NAME}}</p><p>Je verzoek voor een inlog toegangs code, bekijk de volgende link:</p><p>{{LINK}}</p>",
"email-notification-login-access-code": "<p>Dit is een bericht van je website {{WEBSITE_NAME}}</p><p>Je verzoek voor een inlog toegangs code, bekijk de volgende link:</p><p>{{LINK}}</p>",
"there-are-no-scheduled-posts": "Er zijn geen ingeplande posten.",
"show-password": "Toon wachtwoord",
"edit-or-remove-your=pages": "Pagina's aanpassen of verwijderen.",
"edit-or-remove-your-blogs-posts": "Blog posten aanpassen of verwijderen.",
"edit-or-remove-your-blogs-posts": "Blog posts aanpassen of verwijderen.",
"general-settings": "Algmene instellingen",
"advanced-settings": "Geavanceerde instellingen",
"manage-users": "Gebruikersbeheer",
@ -205,19 +204,48 @@
"upload-image": "Afbeelding uploaden",
"drag-and-drop-or-click-here": "Sleep en plak of klik hier",
"insert-image": "Afbeelding invoegen",
"supported-image-file-types": "Afbeelding types die toegestaan zijn",
"supported-image-file-types": "Ondersteunde afbeeldingsformaten",
"date-format": "Datum formaat",
"time-format": "Tijd formaat",
"chat-with-developers-and-users-on-gitter":"Chat met ontwikkelaars en gebruikers op [Gitter](",
"this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site":"DFit is een korte omschrijving van jezelf of jouw site, om de tekst te veranderen ga naar het administratie paneel, instellingen, plugins, en configureer de plugin over ons.",
"this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site":"Dit is een korte omschrijving van jezelf of jouw site, om de tekst te veranderen ga naar het administratie paneel, instellingen, plugins, en configureer de plugin over ons.",
"profile-picture": "Profiel afbeelding",
"the-about-page-is-very-important": "De Over ons pagina is belangrijk en een sterk gereedschap voor potentiele klanten en partners. Voor mensen die willen weten wie achter deze website zit, dan is de Over ons pagina een eerste informatie bron.",
"change-this-pages-content-on-the-admin-panel": "Verander de inhoud via het administratie paneel, beheer, pagina's en klik de Over ons pagina.",
"change-this-pages-content-on-the-admin-panel": "Verander de inhoud via het administratie paneel, beheer, pagina's en klik op de over ons pagina.",
"about-your-site-or-yourself": "Over de site en jezelf",
"welcome-to-bludit": "Welkom bij Bludit",
"site-information": "Site informatie",
"date-and-time-formats": "Datum en tijd formaat",
"activate": "Activeer",
"deactivate": "Deactiveer"
"deactivate": "Deactiveer",
"cover-image": "Omslagfoto",
"blog": "Blog",
"more-images": "Meer afbeeldingen",
"click-here-to-cancel": "Klik hier om te annuleren.",
"type-the-tag-and-press-enter": "Typ de tag en druk op enter.",
"add": "Toevoegen",
"manage-your-bludit-from-the-admin-panel": "Beheer Bludit vanuit de [admin area]({{ADMIN_AREA_LINK}})",
"there-are-no-images":"Er zijn geen afbeeldingen",
"click-on-the-image-for-options": "Klik op de afbeelding voor opties.",
"set-as-cover-image": "Stel in als omslagfoto",
"delete-image": "Verwijder afbeelding",
"image-description": "Afbeeldingsomschrijving",
"social-networks-links": "Sociale media links",
"email-access-code": "Email de toegangscode",
"current-format": "Huidig formaat",
"welcome": "Welkom",
"to-enable-the-user-you-have-to-set-a-new-password": "Om de gebruiker te activeren moet je een nieuw wachtwoord instellen.",
"do-you-want-to-disable-the-user": "Wil je de gebruiker deactiveren ?",
"сurrent-status" : "Status",
"disable-the-user" : "Deactiveer de gebruiker",
"add-a-new-page": "Voeg een nieuwe pagina toe",
"add-a-new-post": "Voeg een nieuwe post toe"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
"native": "Português (Brasil)",
"english-name": "Portuguese",
"last-update": "2016-10-17",
"author": "Marcelo",
"email": "",
"website": ""
"username": "Nome de usuário",
"password": "Senha",
"confirm-password": "Confirmar senha",
"editor": "Editor",
"dashboard": "Panel de administração",
"role": "Papel",
"post": "Entrada",
"posts": "Entradas",
"users": "Usuários",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"add": "Adicionar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"content": "Conteúdo",
"title": "Título",
"no-parent": "Sem parente",
"edit-page": "Editar página",
"edit-post": "Editar entrada",
"add-a-new-user": "Adicionar novo usuário",
"parent": "Parente",
"friendly-url": "URL amigável",
"description": "Descrição",
"posted-by": "Publicado por",
"tags": "Etiquetas",
"position": "Posição",
"save": "Salvar",
"draft": "Esboço",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"registered": "Registrado",
"Notifications": "Notificações",
"profile": "Perfil",
"email": "Correio electrônico",
"settings": "Ajustes",
"general": "Geral",
"advanced": "Avançado",
"regional": "Regional",
"about": "Sobre",
"login": "Iniciar sessão",
"logout": "Encerrar sessão",
"manage": "Administrar",
"themes": "Temas",
"prev-page": "Página anterior",
"next-page": "Página seguinte",
"configure-plugin": "Configurar complemento",
"confirm-delete-this-action-cannot-be-undone": "Confirmar eliminação (esta operação não pode ser desfeita).",
"site-title": "Título do site",
"site-slogan": "Slogan do site",
"site-description": "Descrição do site",
"footer-text": "Texto de pé de página",
"posts-per-page": "Entradas por página",
"site-url": "URL do site",
"writting-settings": "Ajustes de redação",
"url-filters": "Filtros URL",
"page": "Página",
"pages": "Páginas",
"home": "Início",
"welcome-back": "Bem-vindo",
"language": "Idioma",
"website": "Site web",
"timezone": "Fuso horário",
"locale": "Local",
"new-post": "Nova entrada",
"new-page": "Nova página",
"html-and-markdown-code-supported": "Código HTML e Markdown suportado",
"manage-posts": "Administrar entradas",
"published-date": "Data de publicação",
"modified-date": "Data de modificação",
"empty-title": "Título vazio",
"plugins": "Complementos",
"install-plugin": "Instalar complemento",
"uninstall-plugin": "Desinstalar complemento",
"new-password": "Nova senha",
"edit-user": "Editar usuário",
"publish-now": "Publicar",
"first-name": "Prenome",
"last-name": "Nome",
"bludit-version": "Versão do Bludit",
"powered-by": "Gerado por",
"recent-posts": "Entradas recentes",
"manage-pages": "Administrar páginas",
"advanced-options": "Opções avançadas",
"user-deleted": "Usuário eliminado",
"page-added-successfully": "Nova página criada com sucesso",
"post-added-successfully": "Nova entrada criada com sucesso",
"the-post-has-been-deleted-successfully": "A entrada foi eliminada com sucesso",
"the-page-has-been-deleted-successfully": "A página foi eliminada com sucesso",
"username-or-password-incorrect": "Nome de usuário ou senha incorreto",
"database-regenerated": "Base de dados regenerada",
"the-changes-have-been-saved": "Alterações salvas",
"enable-more-features-at": "Habilitar mais funções em",
"username-already-exists": "O nome de usuário já existe",
"username-field-is-empty": "O campo nome de usuário está vazio",
"the-password-and-confirmation-password-do-not-match": "As senhas não coincidem",
"user-has-been-added-successfully": "O usuário foi criado com êxito",
"you-do-not-have-sufficient-permissions": "Você não tem privilégios suficientes para esta ação.",
"settings-advanced-writting-settings": "Ajustes->Avançado->Ajustes de redação",
"new-posts-and-pages-synchronized": "Novas entradas e páginas sincronizadas.",
"you-can-choose-the-users-privilege": "Pode escolher os privilégios de usuário. O papel de editor só pode editar páginas e entradas.",
"email-will-not-be-publicly-displayed": "O correio eletrônico não será mostrado. Recomendado para recuperar nome de usuário e senha.",
"use-this-field-to-name-your-site": "Utilize este campo para nomear seu site - aparecerá na parte superior da página.",
"use-this-field-to-add-a-catchy-phrase": "Utilize este campo para adicionar um slogan a seu site.",
"you-can-add-a-site-description-to-provide": "Você pode adicionar uma breve descrição ou biografia a seu site.",
"you-can-add-a-small-text-on-the-bottom": "Pode usuar o texto de pé de página para acrescentar informações.",
"number-of-posts-to-show-per-page": "Quantidade de entradas por página.",
"the-url-of-your-site": "URL de seu site.",
"add-or-edit-description-tags-or": "Acrescentar ou modificar a descrição, tagas e URL amigável",
"select-your-sites-language": "Seleciona o idioma de seu site.",
"select-a-timezone-for-a-correct": "Selecione o fuso horário para visualização correta de datas.",
"you-can-use-this-field-to-define-a-set-of": "Pode utilizar este campo para definições regionais.",
"you-can-modify-the-url-which-identifies": "Pode modificar o URL de identificação de uma entrada ou página. Máximo de 150 caracteres.",
"this-field-can-help-describe-the-content": "Este campo descreve o conteúdo da entrada ou página em poucas palavras. Máximo de 150 caracteres.",
"delete-the-user-and-all-its-posts": "Eliminar o usuário e suas entradas",
"delete-the-user-and-associate-its-posts-to-admin-user": "Eliminar o usuário e associar as entradas ao usuário administrador.",
"read-more": "Ler mais",
"show-blog": "Mostrar blog",
"default-home-page": "Página de início pré-definida",
"version": "Versão",
"there-are-no-drafts": "Não há esboços.",
"create-a-new-article-for-your-blog":"Criar um novo artigo para seu blog.",
"create-a-new-page-for-your-website":"Criar uma nova página para o site.",
"invite-a-friend-to-collaborate-on-your-website":"Convidar um amigo para colaborar com seu site.",
"change-your-language-and-region-settings":"Mudar a configuração de idioma e região.",
"language-and-timezone":"Idioma e fuso horário",
"author": "Autor",
"start-here": "Comece aqui",
"install-theme": "Instalar tema",
"first-post": "Primeira entrada",
"congratulations-you-have-successfully-installed-your-bludit": "Parabéns, você instalou o **Bludit** com sucesso",
"whats-next": "Próximos passos",
"follow-bludit-on": "Siga Bludit em",
"visit-the-support-forum": "Visite o [fórum]( para suporte",
"read-the-documentation-for-more-information": "Leia a [documentação]( para mais informações",
"share-with-your-friends-and-enjoy": "Compartilha com seus amigos e aproveite!",
"the-page-has-not-been-found": "A página não foi encontrada.",
"error": "Erro",
"bludit-installer": "Instalador do Bludit",
"welcome-to-the-bludit-installer": "Bem-vindo ao assistente de instação do Bludit",
"complete-the-form-choose-a-password-for-the-username-admin": "Complete o formulário e escolha uma senha para o usuário « admin »",
"password-visible-field": "Senha (este campo é visível!)",
"install": "Instalar",
"choose-your-language": "Selecione seu idioma",
"next": "Próximo",
"the-password-field-is-empty": "Deve preencher o campo senha",
"your-email-address-is-invalid":"Seu endereço de e-mail é inválido.",
"proceed-anyway": "Continuar mesmo assim.",
"ip-address-has-been-blocked":"Este endereço IP foi bloqueado.",
"try-again-in-a-few-minutes": "Tente novamente em alguns minutos.",
"date": "Data",
"scheduled": "Programado",
"publish": "Publicar",
"please-check-your-theme-configuration": "Verifique a configuração do tema.",
"plugin-label": "Titulo do complemento",
"enabled": "Habilitado",
"disabled": "Desabilitado",
"cli-mode": "Modo CLI",
"command-line-mode": "Linha de comando",
"enable-the-command-line-mode-if-you-add-edit": "Habilite o modo linha de comando se cria, edita ou elimina entradas ou páginas a partir do sistema de arquivos.",
"configure": "Configuração",
"uninstall": "Desinstalar",
"change-password": "Trocar senha",
"to-schedule-the-post-just-select-the-date-and-time": "Para programar a entrada, basta definir a data e a hora.",
"write-the-tags-separated-by-commas": "Escreva as etiquetas separadas por vírgulas.",
"status": "Estado",
"published": "Publicado",
"scheduled-posts": "Entradas programadas",
"statistics": "Estatísticas",
"name": "Nome",
"email-account-settings":"Configuração da conta de correio eletrônico",
"sender-email": "Endereço do remetente",
"emails-will-be-sent-from-this-address":"Os correios eletrônico serão enviados deste endereço como remetente.",
"bludit-login-access-code": "BLUDIT - Código de acesso",
"check-your-inbox-for-your-login-access-code":"Verifique sua caixa de entrada para obter o código de acesso.",
"there-was-a-problem-sending-the-email":"Houve um problema ao enviar o correio eletrônico.",
"back-to-login-form": "Voltar ao formulário de login",
"send-me-a-login-access-code": "Enviar o código de acesso",
"get-login-access-code": "Obter o código de acesso",
"email-notification-login-access-code": "<p>Esta é uma notificação de seu site {{WEBSITE_NAME}}</p><p>O código de acesso gerada é o seguinte:</p><p>{{LINK}}</p>",
"there-are-no-scheduled-posts": "Não há entradas programadas.",
"show-password": "Mostrar senha",
"edit-or-remove-your=pages": "Edite ou elimine suas páginas.",
"edit-or-remove-your-blogs-posts": "Edite ou elimine suas enrtadas de blog.",
"general-settings": "Ajustes gerais",
"advanced-settings": "Ajustes avançados",
"manage-users": "Administrar usuários",
"view-and-edit-your-profile": "Modifique seu perfil.",
"password-must-be-at-least-6-characters-long": "A senha deve ter pelo menos 6 caracteres.",
"images": "Imagens",
"upload-image": "Enviar imagem",
"drag-and-drop-or-click-here": "Arraste e solte, ou clique aqui",
"insert-image": "Inserir imagem",
"supported-image-file-types": "Tipos de imagem suportados",
"date-format": "Formato de data",
"time-format": "Formato de hora",
"chat-with-developers-and-users-on-gitter":"Converse com os desenvolvedores e usuários em [Gitter](",
"this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site":"Breve descrição de você ou de seu site, para mudar este texto, vá ao painel de administração, ajustes, complementos, e configure o complemento Sobre",
"profile-picture": "Imagem de perfil",
"the-about-page-is-very-important": "A página sobre é uma ferramente importante e de grande alcance aos visitantes.",
"change-this-pages-content-on-the-admin-panel": "Modifique o conteúdo desta página no painel de administração do site.",
"about-your-site-or-yourself": "Sobre seu site",
"welcome-to-bludit": "Bem-vindo ao Bludit",
"site-information": "Informação do site",
"date-and-time-formats": "Formato de data e hora",
"activate": "Ativar",
"deactivate": "Desativar",
"cover-image": "Imagem de capa",
"blog": "Blog",
"more-images": "Mais imagens",
"click-here-to-cancel": "Clique aqui para cancelar.",
"type-the-tag-and-press-enter": "Escreva uma etiqueta e pressione ENTER.",
"add": "Adicionar",
"manage-your-bludit-from-the-admin-panel": "Administre seu Bludit a partir do [painel de aadministração]({{ADMIN_AREA_LINK}})",
"there-are-no-images":"Não há imagens",
"click-on-the-image-for-options": "Clique na imagem para as opções.",
"set-as-cover-image": "Establecer como capa",
"delete-image": "Eliminar imagem",
"image-description": "Descrição da imagem",
"social-networks-links": "Links para redes sociais",
"email-access-code": "Código de accesso via e-mail",
"current-format": "Formato atual",
"welcome": "Bem-vindo",
"to-enable-the-user-you-have-to-set-a-new-password": "Para habilitar o usuário deve designar a ele um senha.",
"do-you-want-to-disable-the-user": "Quer desabilitar o usuário?",
"сurrent-status" : "Estado atual",
"disable-the-user" : "Desabilitar usuário",
"add-a-new-page": "Criar nova página",
"add-a-new-post": "Criar nova entrada"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "Over mij",
"description": "Een korte beschrijving over je site of jezelf."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "API",
"description": "Interface om te communiceren met Bludit via het HTTP protocol."
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Disqus comment system",
"description": "Disqus is a blog comment hosting service for web sites. It's necesary to register on before using this plugin."
"description": "Disqus is a blog comment hosting service for web sites. It's necessary to register on before using this plugin."
"disqus-shortname": "Disqus shortname",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"name": "Disqus commentaar systeem",
"description": "Disqus is een blog commentaar hosting service voor web sites. Het is wel nodig om jezelf te registreren op voordat je deze plugin kan gebruiken."
"disqus-shortname": "Disqus shortname",
"enable-disqus-on-pages": "Schakel Disqus in op pagina's",
"enable-disqus-on-posts": "Schakel Disqus in op posts",
"enable-disqus-on-default-home-page": "Schakel Disqus in op de startpagina"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"name": "Google Tools",
"description": "Deze plugin genereerd een meta tag om je site te verifiëren met Google Webmasters Tools en de JavaScript code om je site te tracken met Google Analytics."
"google-webmasters-tools": "Google Webmasters tools",
"google-analytics-tracking-id": "Google Analytics Tracking ID",
"complete-this-field-with-the-google-site-verification": "Vul dit veld in met de Google Site verificatie om jezelf te verifiëren als site beheerder.",
"complete-this-field-with-the-tracking-id": "Vul dit veld in met de Tracking ID om de Javascript tracking code te genereren voor Google Analytics."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"name": "Laatste posts",
"description": "Laat de laatste gepubliceerde posts zien."
"amount-of-posts": "Amount of posts"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"name": "Onderhoud modus",
"description": "Zet je site op onderhoud modus, je kan bij de admin pagina komen."
"enable-maintenance-mode": "Schakel de onderhoud modus in",
"message": "Bericht"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "Open Graph",
"description": "De Open Graph protocol kan van elke webpagina een rich object in een sociale grafiek maken."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"name": "Pagina lijst",
"description": "Laat een lijst met alle pagina's op volgorde zien."
"home": "Home",
"show-home-link": "Laat de homepage link zien"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "RSS Feed",
"description": "Deze plugin genereerd een RSS Feed voor je website."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"name": "SimpleMDE",
"description": "Een simpele, mooie en integreerbare JavaScript markdown editor van @WesCossick. Aangepast door Diego Najar voor Bludit."
"toolbar": "Toolbar",
"tab-size": "Tab grootte",
"autosave": "Automatisch opslaan"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "Sitemap",
"description": "Deze plugin genereerd een sitemap.xml bestand waar je een lijst met webpagina's kan zetten zodat zoekmachines de organisatie van je site content beter kan begrijpen."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "Tag lijst",
"description": "Toon alle tags."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "Log",
"description": "Minimalistisch en responsive thema, ontwikkeld door @n33, aangepast voor Bludit."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user