API improves
This commit is contained in:
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// Check file size ?
// Check file type/extension ?
$("#jsbluditProgressBar").removeClass().addClass("progress-bar bg-primary");
// Data to send via AJAX
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// Get the files for the first page, this include the files uploaded
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@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ a:hover {
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Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
* Line Awesome 1.1.0 by @icons_8 - https://icons8.com/line-awesome
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* Line Awesome 1.1.0 by @icons_8 - https://icons8.com/line-awesome
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.la-openid:before { content: "\f2a2"; }
.la-opera:before { content: "\f2a3"; }
.la-optin-monster:before { content: "\f2a4"; }
.la-outdent:before { content: "\f2a5"; }
.la-pagelines:before { content: "\f2a6"; }
.la-paint-brush:before { content: "\f2a7"; }
.la-paper-plane:before, .la-send:before { content: "\f2a8"; }
.la-paper-plane-o:before, .la-send-o:before { content: "\f2a9"; }
.la-paperclip:before { content: "\f2aa"; }
.la-paragraph:before { content: "\f2ab"; }
.la-paste:before { content: "\f2ac"; }
.la-pause:before { content: "\f2ad"; }
.la-paw:before { content: "\f2ae"; }
.la-paypal:before { content: "\f2af"; }
.la-pencil:before { content: "\f2b0"; }
.la-pencil-square:before { content: "\f2b1"; }
.la-pencil-square-o:before { content: "\f2b2"; }
.la-phone:before { content: "\f2b3"; }
.la-phone-square:before { content: "\f2b4"; }
.la-photo:before { content: "\f2b5"; }
.la-picture-o:before { content: "\f2b6"; }
.la-pie-chart:before { content: "\f2b7"; }
.la-pied-piper:before { content: "\f2b8"; }
.la-pied-piper-alt:before { content: "\f2b9"; }
.la-pinterest:before { content: "\f2ba"; }
.la-pinterest-p:before { content: "\f2bb"; }
.la-pinterest-square:before { content: "\f2bc"; }
.la-plane:before { content: "\f2bd"; }
.la-play:before { content: "\f2be"; }
.la-play-circle:before { content: "\f2bf"; }
.la-play-circle-o:before { content: "\f2c0"; }
.la-plug:before { content: "\f2c1"; }
.la-plus:before { content: "\f2c2"; }
.la-plus-circle:before { content: "\f2c3"; }
.la-plus-square:before { content: "\f2c4"; }
.la-plus-square-o:before { content: "\f2c5"; }
.la-power-off:before { content: "\f2c6"; }
.la-print:before { content: "\f2c7"; }
.la-puzzle-piece:before { content: "\f2c8"; }
.la-qq:before { content: "\f2c9"; }
.la-qrcode:before { content: "\f2ca"; }
.la-question:before { content: "\f2cb"; }
.la-question-circle:before { content: "\f2cc"; }
.la-quote-left:before { content: "\f2cd"; }
.la-quote-right:before { content: "\f2ce"; }
.la-ra:before { content: "\f2cf"; }
.la-random:before { content: "\f2d0"; }
.la-rebel:before { content: "\f2d1"; }
.la-recycle:before { content: "\f2d2"; }
.la-reddit:before { content: "\f2d3"; }
.la-reddit-square:before { content: "\f2d4"; }
.la-refresh:before { content: "\f2d5"; }
.la-registered:before { content: "\f2d6"; }
.la-renren:before { content: "\f2d7"; }
.la-reorder:before { content: "\f2d8"; }
.la-repeat:before { content: "\f2d9"; }
.la-reply:before { content: "\f2da"; }
.la-reply-all:before { content: "\f2db"; }
.la-retweet:before { content: "\f2dc"; }
.la-rmb:before { content: "\f2dd"; }
.la-road:before { content: "\f2de"; }
.la-rocket:before { content: "\f2df"; }
.la-rotate-left:before { content: "\f2e0"; }
.la-rotate-right:before { content: "\f2e1"; }
.la-rouble:before { content: "\f2e2"; }
.la-rss:before, .la-feed:before { content: "\f2e3"; }
.la-rss-square:before { content: "\f2e4"; }
.la-rub:before { content: "\f2e5"; }
.la-ruble:before { content: "\f2e6"; }
.la-rupee:before { content: "\f2e7"; }
.la-safari:before { content: "\f2e8"; }
.la-save:before { content: "\f2e9"; }
.la-scissors:before { content: "\f2ea"; }
.la-search:before { content: "\f2eb"; }
.la-search-minus:before { content: "\f2ec"; }
.la-search-plus:before { content: "\f2ed"; }
.la-sellsy:before { content: "\f2ee"; }
.la-server:before { content: "\f2ef"; }
.la-share:before { content: "\f2f0"; }
.la-share-alt:before { content: "\f2f1"; }
.la-share-alt-square:before { content: "\f2f2"; }
.la-share-square:before { content: "\f2f3"; }
.la-share-square-o:before { content: "\f2f4"; }
.la-shekel:before { content: "\f2f5"; }
.la-sheqel:before { content: "\f2f6"; }
.la-shield:before { content: "\f2f7"; }
.la-ship:before { content: "\f2f8"; }
.la-shirtsinbulk:before { content: "\f2f9"; }
.la-shopping-cart:before { content: "\f2fa"; }
.la-sign-in:before { content: "\f2fb"; }
.la-sign-out:before { content: "\f2fc"; }
.la-signal:before { content: "\f2fd"; }
.la-simplybuilt:before { content: "\f2fe"; }
.la-sitemap:before { content: "\f2ff"; }
.la-skyatlas:before { content: "\f300"; }
.la-skype:before { content: "\f301"; }
.la-slack:before { content: "\f302"; }
.la-sliders:before { content: "\f303"; }
.la-slideshare:before { content: "\f304"; }
.la-smile-o:before { content: "\f305"; }
.la-sort:before, .la-unsorted:before { content: "\f306"; }
.la-sort-alpha-asc:before { content: "\f307"; }
.la-sort-alpha-desc:before { content: "\f308"; }
.la-sort-amount-asc:before { content: "\f309"; }
.la-sort-amount-desc:before { content: "\f30a"; }
.la-sort-asc:before, .la-sort-up:before { content: "\f30b"; }
.la-sort-desc:before, .la-sort-down:before { content: "\f30c"; }
.la-sort-numeric-asc:before { content: "\f30d"; }
.la-sort-numeric-desc:before { content: "\f30e"; }
.la-soundcloud:before { content: "\f30f"; }
.la-space-shuttle:before { content: "\f310"; }
.la-spinner:before { content: "\f311"; }
.la-spoon:before { content: "\f312"; }
.la-spotify:before { content: "\f313"; }
.la-square:before { content: "\f314"; }
.la-square-o:before { content: "\f315"; }
.la-stack-exchange:before { content: "\f316"; }
.la-stack-overflow:before { content: "\f317"; }
.la-star:before { content: "\f318"; }
.la-star-half:before { content: "\f319"; }
.la-star-half-o:before, .la-star-half-full:before, .la-star-half-empty:before { content: "\f31a"; }
.la-star-o:before { content: "\f31b"; }
.la-steam:before { content: "\f31c"; }
.la-steam-square:before { content: "\f31d"; }
.la-step-backward:before { content: "\f31e"; }
.la-step-forward:before { content: "\f31f"; }
.la-stethoscope:before { content: "\f320"; }
.la-sticky-note:before { content: "\f321"; }
.la-sticky-note-o:before { content: "\f322"; }
.la-stop:before { content: "\f323"; }
.la-street-view:before { content: "\f324"; }
.la-strikethrough:before { content: "\f325"; }
.la-stumbleupon:before { content: "\f326"; }
.la-stumbleupon-circle:before { content: "\f327"; }
.la-subscript:before { content: "\f328"; }
.la-subway:before { content: "\f329"; }
.la-suitcase:before { content: "\f32a"; }
.la-sun-o:before { content: "\f32b"; }
.la-superscript:before { content: "\f32c"; }
.la-table:before { content: "\f32d"; }
.la-tablet:before { content: "\f32e"; }
.la-tachometer:before { content: "\f32f"; }
.la-tag:before { content: "\f330"; }
.la-tags:before { content: "\f331"; }
.la-tasks:before { content: "\f332"; }
.la-taxi:before { content: "\f333"; }
.la-television:before, .la-tv:before { content: "\f334"; }
.la-tencent-weibo:before { content: "\f335"; }
.la-terminal:before { content: "\f336"; }
.la-text-height:before { content: "\f337"; }
.la-text-width:before { content: "\f338"; }
.la-th:before { content: "\f339"; }
.la-th-large:before { content: "\f33a"; }
.la-th-list:before { content: "\f33b"; }
.la-thumb-tack:before { content: "\f33c"; }
.la-thumbs-down:before { content: "\f33d"; }
.la-thumbs-o-down:before { content: "\f33e"; }
.la-thumbs-o-up:before { content: "\f33f"; }
.la-thumbs-up:before { content: "\f340"; }
.la-ticket:before { content: "\f341"; }
.la-times:before, .la-remove:before { content: "\f342"; }
.la-times-circle:before { content: "\f343"; }
.la-times-circle-o:before { content: "\f344"; }
.la-tint:before { content: "\f345"; }
.la-toggle-off:before { content: "\f346"; }
.la-toggle-on:before { content: "\f347"; }
.la-trademark:before { content: "\f348"; }
.la-train:before { content: "\f349"; }
.la-transgender:before, .la-intersex:before { content: "\f34a"; }
.la-transgender-alt:before { content: "\f34b"; }
.la-trash:before { content: "\f34c"; }
.la-trash-o:before { content: "\f34d"; }
.la-tree:before { content: "\f34e"; }
.la-trello:before { content: "\f34f"; }
.la-tripadvisor:before { content: "\f350"; }
.la-trophy:before { content: "\f351"; }
.la-truck:before { content: "\f352"; }
.la-try:before { content: "\f353"; }
.la-tty:before { content: "\f354"; }
.la-tumblr:before { content: "\f355"; }
.la-tumblr-square:before { content: "\f356"; }
.la-turkish-lira:before { content: "\f357"; }
.la-twitch:before { content: "\f358"; }
.la-twitter:before { content: "\f359"; }
.la-twitter-square:before { content: "\f35a"; }
.la-umbrella:before { content: "\f35b"; }
.la-underline:before { content: "\f35c"; }
.la-undo:before { content: "\f35d"; }
.la-university:before { content: "\f35e"; }
.la-unlink:before { content: "\f35f"; }
.la-unlock:before { content: "\f360"; }
.la-unlock-alt:before { content: "\f361"; }
.la-upload:before { content: "\f362"; }
.la-usd:before { content: "\f363"; }
.la-user:before { content: "\f364"; }
.la-user-md:before { content: "\f365"; }
.la-user-plus:before { content: "\f366"; }
.la-user-secret:before { content: "\f367"; }
.la-user-times:before { content: "\f368"; }
.la-users:before { content: "\f369"; }
.la-venus:before { content: "\f36a"; }
.la-venus-double:before { content: "\f36b"; }
.la-venus-mars:before { content: "\f36c"; }
.la-viacoin:before { content: "\f36d"; }
.la-video-camera:before { content: "\f36e"; }
.la-vimeo:before { content: "\f36f"; }
.la-vimeo-square:before { content: "\f370"; }
.la-vine:before { content: "\f371"; }
.la-vk:before { content: "\f372"; }
.la-volume-down:before { content: "\f373"; }
.la-volume-off:before { content: "\f374"; }
.la-volume-up:before { content: "\f375"; }
.la-warning:before { content: "\f376"; }
.la-wechat:before { content: "\f377"; }
.la-weibo:before { content: "\f378"; }
.la-weixin:before { content: "\f379"; }
.la-whatsapp:before { content: "\f37a"; }
.la-wheelchair:before { content: "\f37b"; }
.la-wifi:before { content: "\f37c"; }
.la-wikipedia-w:before { content: "\f37d"; }
.la-windows:before { content: "\f37e"; }
.la-won:before { content: "\f37f"; }
.la-wordpress:before { content: "\f380"; }
.la-wrench:before { content: "\f381"; }
.la-xing:before { content: "\f382"; }
.la-xing-square:before { content: "\f383"; }
.la-y-combinator:before { content: "\f384"; }
.la-y-combinator-square:before { content: "\f385"; }
.la-yahoo:before { content: "\f386"; }
.la-yc:before { content: "\f387"; }
.la-yc-square:before { content: "\f388"; }
.la-yelp:before { content: "\f389"; }
.la-yen:before { content: "\f38a"; }
.la-youtube:before { content: "\f38b"; }
.la-youtube-play:before { content: "\f38c"; }
.la-youtube-square:before { content: "\f38d"; }
Executable file
Executable file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
After Width: | Height: | Size: 424 KiB |
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,133 +1,98 @@
<textarea id="editor"></textarea>
<div id="toolbar" class="d-flex p-1">
<div id="message" class="mr-auto"></div>
<div class="pr-2">Draft</div>
// Returns an array with tags
// The tags are parser from hash-tags
// text = Hello this is a #test of #the function
// returns ['test', 'the']
function getTags(text) {
var rgx = /#(\w+)\b/gi;
var tag;
var tags = [];
while (tag = rgx.exec(text)){
// tags is an array, implode with comma ,
return tags.join(",");
var _options = {
'alertTimeout': 5, // Second in dissapear the alert
'autosaveTimeout': 5 // Second to activate before call the autosave
// Returns all characters after the hash # and space
// Onlt the first match
// text = # Hello World
// returns "Hello World"
function getTitle(text) {
var rgx = /# (.*)/;
title = rgx.exec(text);
return title[1].trim();
function showAlert(text) {
function getContent(text, title, tags) {
var content = "";
// Remove the title. # Title
content = text.replace("# "+title+"\n", "");
return content;
function getPages() {
var params = {token: '790f6f150492ebe24c6197f53ff10010'}
apiUrl.search = new URLSearchParams(params)
fetch(apiUrl, {
method: 'GET'
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
return json;
.catch(err => {
function createPage() {
return fetch(apiUrl, {
credentials: 'same-origin',
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
token: "790f6f150492ebe24c6197f53ff10010",
authentication: "cb75be4a34ce9222914c0555f6faaa8d"
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
key = json.data.key;
.catch(err => {
function updatePage() {
var finalUrl = apiUrl+'/'+key;
return fetch(finalUrl, {
credentials: 'same-origin',
method: 'PUT',
body: JSON.stringify({
token: "790f6f150492ebe24c6197f53ff10010",
authentication: "cb75be4a34ce9222914c0555f6faaa8d",
title: title,
content: content,
tags: tags
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
key = json.data.key;
.catch(err => {
<textarea id="editor"></textarea>
var key = "";
var title = "";
var content = "";
var tags = [];
var apiUrl = new URL('http://localhost:8000/api/pages');
var _editor = null;
var _key = null; // Current page key in the editor
var _tags = []; // Current tags from the content
var _content = ""; // Current content, this variable helps to know when the content was changed
var _autosaveTimer = null; // Timer object for the autosave
var editor = new EasyMDE({
autofocus: true,
toolbar: false,
spellChecker: false,
status: ["lines", "words"],
tabSize: 4,
initialValue: '# Title \n'
function editorInitialize(content) {
_editor = new EasyMDE({
autofocus: true,
toolbar: false,
spellChecker: false,
status: false,
tabSize: 4,
initialValue: content
// Editor event change
_editor.codemirror.on("change", function(){
// If the content doesn't changed is not need to autosave
if (_content == editorGetContent()) {
return true;
// Reset timer
if (_autosaveTimer != null) {
// Activate timer
_autosaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
log('Autosave running', '');
_content = editorGetContent();
var tags = parser.tags(_content);
var title = parser.title(_content);
var newContent = parser.removeFirstLine(_content);
// Update the page because was a change in the content
ajax.updatePage(_key, title, newContent, tags);
// Check if there are new tags in the editor
// If there are new tags get the new tags for the sidebar
if (JSON.stringify(_tags) != JSON.stringify(tags)) {
_tags = tags;
}, _options['autosaveTimeout']*1000);
function editorSetContent(text) {
// Get the tags from the content
// When the content is setted the tags need to be setted
_tags = parser.tags(text);
// Set the current content to the variable
// This variable helps to know when the content was changed
_content = text;
// Set the new content into the editor
function editorGetContent() {
return _editor.value();
// Init editor area
editorInitialize("# Title \n");
$(document).ready(function() {
showAlert("Welcome to Bludit");
// Editor event change
editor.codemirror.on("change", function(){
var editorValue = editor.value();
tags = getTags(editorValue);
title = getTitle(editorValue);
content = getContent(editorValue, title, tags);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
<div class="tags-list col-lg-2 p-0 pt-4">
<ul id="currentTags" class="list-group list-group-flush">
// Array with all current tags in the system
// array[ (string) tagKey => (array) pagesKeys ]
var _currentTags = [];
// Display all the current tags to the <ul> list
function displayTags() {
let response = ajax.getTags();
response.then(function(tags) {
// Log
log('displayTags() => ajax.getTags => tags',tags);
// Get the tag selected
let tagSelected = $("li.tagSelected").data("key");
// Init array for current tags
_currentTags = [];
// Remove all tags from the <ul>
$("#currentTags").html('<li class="tagItem list-group-item tagSelected"><i class="fa fa-star-o"></i> Untagged</li>');
// Add all tags to the <ul>
tags.forEach(function(tag) {
_currentTags[tag.key] = tag.list;
if (tagSelected == tag.key) {
$("#currentTags").append('<li class="tagItem list-group-item tagSelected" data-key="'+tag.key+'"># '+tag.name+'</li>');
} else {
$("#currentTags").append('<li class="tagItem list-group-item" data-key="'+tag.key+'"># '+tag.name+'</li>');
$(document).ready(function() {
// Click on tags
$(document).on("click", "li.tagItem", function() {
// Add class to the tag selected
// Get the tag key clicked
let tagKey = $(this).data("key");
// Log
log('click li.tagItem => tagKey',tagKey);
// Display pages by the tag
// Retrive and show the tags
<div class="pages-list col-lg-2 p-0">
<ul id="currentPages" class="list-group list-group-flush">
// Array with all current pages in the system
// array[ (string) pageKey => (array) { key, title, content, contentRaw, description, date } ]
var _currentPages = [];
// Display all the pages by the tag selected
// This function is called when the user click on a tag
function displayPagesByTag(tagKey) {
let response = ajax.getTag(tagKey);
response.then(function(tag) {
// Log
log('displayPagesByTag() => ajax.getTag => tag',tag);
// Init array for current pages by tag
_currentPages = [];
// Remove all pages from the <ul>
tag.pages.forEach(function(page) {
_currentPages[page.key] = page;
// Add all pages to the <ul>
$("#currentPages").append('<li class="pageItem list-group-item" data-key="'+page.key+'"><div class="pageItemTitle">'+page.title+'</div><div class="pageItemContent">'+page.contentRaw.substring(0, 50)+'</div></li>');
// Set the page selected
function loadPage(pageKey) {
// Check the current key if the same as the page is editing
if (_key == pageKey) {
console.log("Page already loaded");
return true;
console.log("Loading page by key: "+pageKey);
// Set the current key
_key = pageKey;
// Get the current page
let response = ajax.getPage(pageKey);
response.then(function(page) {
// Log
log('loadPage() => ajax.getPage => page',page);
let content = "";
if (page.title.trim()) {
content += "# "+page.title.trim()+"\n";
content += page.contentRaw;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Click on pages
$(document).on("click", "li.pageItem", function() {
// Add class to the tag selected
// Get the tag key clicked
var pageKey = $(this).data("key");
log('click li.pageItem => pageKey',pageKey);
// Retrive all titles of the pages and show
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
@ -36,7 +37,9 @@
echo Theme::jquery();
echo Theme::jsBootstrap();
echo Theme::js(array(
@ -45,22 +48,30 @@
echo '<script charset="utf-8">'.PHP_EOL;
echo '</script>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<script charset="utf-8">'.PHP_EOL;
echo '</script>'.PHP_EOL;
<div class="container h-100">
var ajax = new Ajax();
var parser = new Parser();
var DEBUG = true;
var log = function(name, variable){
if (DEBUG) {
return true;
<div class="container-fluid h-100">
<!-- 25%/75% split on large devices, small, medium devices hide -->
<div class="row h-100">
<div class="row h-100 d-flex">
<!-- LEFT SIDEBAR - Display only on large devices -->
<div class="sidebar col-lg-2">
<?php include('html/sidebar.php'); ?>
<?php include('html/tags.php'); ?>
<!-- RIGHT MAIN -->
<div class="main col-lg-10 mt-2 h-100">
<div class="editor-container col-lg-6 h-100" style="max-width: 600px;">
<?php include('html/main.php'); ?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
class Ajax {
constructor() {
this.apiURL = new URL('http://localhost:8000/api/');
this.token = "790f6f150492ebe24c6197f53ff10010";
this.authentication = "cb75be4a34ce9222914c0555f6faaa8d";
async getPage(key) {
let url = this.apiURL+"pages/"+key+"?token="+this.token;
try {
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: "GET"
const json = await response.json();
return json.data;
catch (err) {
return false;
createPage() {
var url = this.apiURL+"pages";
return fetch(url, {
credentials: 'same-origin',
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
token: this.token,
authentication: this.authentication
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
return json.data.key;
.catch(err => {
return false;
updatePage(key, title, content, tags) {
log('this.updatePage()', key);
var url = this.apiURL+"pages/"+key;
return fetch(url, {
credentials: 'same-origin',
method: "PUT",
body: JSON.stringify({
token: this.token,
authentication: this.authentication,
title: title,
content: content,
tags: tags
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(json) {
return json.data.key;
.catch(err => {
return false;
async getTags() {
let url = this.apiURL+"tags?token="+this.token;
try {
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: "GET"
const json = await response.json();
return json.data;
catch (err) {
return false;
async getTag(key) {
let url = this.apiURL+"tags/"+key+"?token="+this.token;
try {
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: "GET"
const json = await response.json();
return json.data;
catch (err) {
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
class Parser {
// Returns an array with tags
// The tags are parser from hash-tags
// text = Hello this is a #test of #the function
// returns ['test', 'the']
tags(text) {
var rgx = /#(\w+)\b/gi;
var tag;
var tags = [];
while (tag = rgx.exec(text)){
// tags is an array, implode with comma ,
return tags.join(",");
// Returns all characters after the hash # and space
// Onlt the first match
// text = # Hello World
// returns "Hello World"
title(text) {
var rgx = /# (.*)/;
let title = rgx.exec(text);
if (title) {
return title[1].trim();
return "";
// Returns the text without the first line
// The first line is removed only if the first line has a # Headline1
removeFirstLine(text) {
var lines = text.split("\n");
if (lines) {
// If the first line included # Headline1 then the line is removed
if (lines[0].includes("# ")) {
return lines.join("\n");
@ -326,6 +326,18 @@ class Pages extends dbJSON {
return false;
// Returns a database with all pages
// $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys
// $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this
public function getDB($onlyKeys=true)
$tmp = $this->db;
if ($onlyKeys) {
return array_keys($tmp);
return $tmp;
// Returns a database with published pages
// $onlyKeys = true; Returns only the pages keys
// $onlyKeys = false; Returns part of the database, I do not recommend use this
@ -454,35 +466,47 @@ class Pages extends dbJSON {
// (int) $pageNumber, the page number
// (int) $numberOfItems, amount of items to return, if -1 returns all the items
// (boolean) $onlyPublished, TRUE to return only published pages
public function getList($pageNumber, $numberOfItems, $onlyPublished=true)
public function getList($pageNumber, $numberOfItems, $published=true, $static=false, $sticky=false, $draft=false, $scheduled=false)
$db = array_keys($this->db);
$list = array();
if ($published) {
$list += $this->getPublishedDB();
if ($onlyPublished) {
$db = $this->getPublishedDB(true);
if ($static) {
$list += $pages->getStaticDB();
if ($sticky) {
$list += $pages->getStickyDB();
if ($draft) {
$list += $pages->getDraftDB();
if ($scheduled) {
$list += $pages->getScheduledDB();
if ($numberOfItems==-1) {
return $db;
return $list;
// The first page number is 1, so the real is 0
$realPageNumber = $pageNumber - 1;
$total = count($db);
$total = count($list);
$init = (int) $numberOfItems * $realPageNumber;
$end = (int) min( ($init + $numberOfItems - 1), $total );
$outrange = $init<0 ? true : $init>$end;
if (!$outrange) {
return array_slice($db, $init, $numberOfItems, true);
return array_slice($list, $init, $numberOfItems, true);
return false;
// Returns the amount of pages
// (boolean) $total, TRUE returns the total of pages
// (boolean) $total, FALSE returns the total of published pages (without draft and scheduled)
@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ class Page {
$tmp['content'] = $this->content(); // Markdown parsed
$tmp['contentRaw'] = $this->contentRaw(true); // No Markdown parsed
$tmp['description'] = $this->description();
$tmp['type'] = $this->type();
$tmp['date'] = $this->dateRaw();
$tmp['dateUTC'] = Date::convertToUTC($this->dateRaw(), DB_DATE_FORMAT, DB_DATE_FORMAT);
$tmp['permalink'] = $this->permalink(true);
@ -42,9 +42,24 @@ class Tag {
return $this->getValue('permalink');
// Returns an array with the keys of pages linked to the tag
// Returns an array with the pages keys linked to the tag
public function pages()
return $this->getValue('list');
// Returns an array in json format with all the data of the tag
public function json($returnsArray=false)
$tmp['key'] = $this->key();
$tmp['name'] = $this->name();
$tmp['permalink'] = $this->permalink();
$tmp['pages'] = $this->pages();
if ($returnsArray) {
return $tmp;
return json_encode($tmp);
@ -17,23 +17,22 @@ class Tags extends dbList {
global $pages;
// Get a database with published pages
$db = $pages->getPublishedDB(false);
$db = $pages->getDB(false);
$tagsIndex = array();
foreach($db as $pageKey=>$pageFields) {
foreach ($db as $pageKey=>$pageFields) {
$tags = $pageFields['tags'];
foreach($tags as $tagKey=>$tagName) {
if( isset($tagsIndex[$tagKey]) ) {
foreach ($tags as $tagKey=>$tagName) {
if (isset($tagsIndex[$tagKey])) {
array_push($tagsIndex[$tagKey]['list'], $pageKey);
else {
} else {
$tagsIndex[$tagKey]['name'] = $tagName;
$tagsIndex[$tagKey]['list'] = array($pageKey);
// Sort database by alphabet
$this->db = $tagsIndex;
return $this->save();
@ -67,16 +67,14 @@ class pluginAPI extends Plugin {
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$inputs = $this->getMethodInputs();
if ( empty($inputs) ) {
if (empty($inputs)) {
$this->response(400, 'Bad Request', array('message'=>'Missing method inputs.'));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
$parameters = $this->getEndpointParameters($URI);
if ( empty($parameters) ) {
if (empty($parameters)) {
$this->response(400, 'Bad Request', array('message'=>'Missing endpoint parameters.'));
@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ class pluginAPI extends Plugin {
// (GET) /api/pages
if ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$data = $this->getPages();
$data = $this->getPages($inputs);
// (GET) /api/pages/<key>
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) {
@ -144,6 +142,15 @@ class pluginAPI extends Plugin {
elseif ( ($method==='POST') && ($parameters[0]==='pages') && empty($parameters[1]) && $writePermissions ) {
$data = $this->createPage($inputs);
// (GET) /api/tags
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='tags') && empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$data = $this->getTags();
// (GET) /api/tags/<key>
elseif ( ($method==='GET') && ($parameters[0]==='tags') && !empty($parameters[1]) ) {
$tagKey = $parameters[1];
$data = $this->getTag($tagKey);
else {
$this->response(401, 'Unauthorized', array('message'=>'Access denied or invalid endpoint.'));
@ -193,7 +200,7 @@ class pluginAPI extends Plugin {
return $this->cleanInputs($inputs);
// Returns an array with key=>value
// Returns an array with key=>value with the inputs
// If the content is JSON is parsed to array
private function cleanInputs($inputs)
@ -240,14 +247,63 @@ class pluginAPI extends Plugin {
private function getPages()
private function getTags()
global $tags;
$tmp = array(
'message'=>'List of tags.',
foreach ($tags->keys() as $key) {
$tag = $tags->getMap($key);
array_push($tmp['data'], $tag);
return $tmp;
// Returns the tag information and the pages releated to the tag
// The array with the pages has the complete information of each page
private function getTag($key)
try {
$tag = new Tag($key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array(
'message'=>'Tag not found by the tag key: '.$key
$list = array();
foreach ($tag->pages() as $pageKey) {
try {
$page = new Page($pageKey);
array_push($list, $page->json($returnsArray=true));
} catch (Exception $e){}
$data = $tag->json($returnsArray=true);
$data['pages'] = $list;
return array(
'message'=>'Tag data and pages related to the tag.',
private function getPages($args)
global $pages;
$onlyPublished = true;
$published = $args['published'];
$static = $args['static'];
$draft = $args['draft'];
$sticky = $args['sticky'];
$scheduled = $args['scheduled'];
$numberOfItems = $this->getValue('numberOfItems');
$pageNumber = 1;
$list = $pages->getList($pageNumber, $numberOfItems, $onlyPublished);
$list = $pages->getList($pageNumber, $numberOfItems, $published, $static, $sticky, $draft, $scheduled);
$tmp = array(
@ -255,12 +311,16 @@ class pluginAPI extends Plugin {
// Get keys of pages
foreach ($list as $pageKey) {
try {
// Create the page object from the page key
$page = new Page($pageKey);
array_push($tmp['data'], $page->json( $returnsArray=true ));
if ($args['untagged'] && (empty($page->tags()))) {
// Push the page to the data array for the response
array_push($tmp['data'], $page->json($returnsArray=true));
} else {
array_push($tmp['data'], $page->json($returnsArray=true));
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Continue
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class pluginsimpleMDE extends Plugin {
return simplemde.value();
// Insert an image in the editor in the cursor position
// Insert an image in the editor at the cursor position
// Function required for Bludit
$html .= 'function editorInsertMedia(filename) {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class pluginTinymce extends Plugin {
$html = <<<EOF
// Insert an image in the editor in the cursor position
// Insert an image in the editor at the cursor position
// Function required for Bludit
function editorInsertMedia(filename) {
tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent("<img src=\""+filename+"\" alt=\"\">");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user