"edit-or-delete-content-from-your-site":"Edit or delete content from your site",
"order-the-content-by-date-to-build-a-blog":"Order the content by date to build a Blog or order the content by position to build a Website.",
"page-not-found-content":"Hey! look like the page doesn't exist.",
"page-not-found":"Page not found",
"predefined-pages":"Predefined pages",
"returning-page-when-the-page-doesnt-exist":"Returning page when the page doesn't exist, leave it blank if you want to returns a default message.",
"returning-page-for-the-main-page":"Returning page for the main page, leave it blank if you want to show all the pages on the main page.",
"full-url-of-your-site":"Full URL of your site. Complete with the protocol HTTP or HTTPS (only if you have enabled SSL on your server).",
"with-the-locales-you-can-set-the-regional-user-interface":"With the locales, you can set the regional user interface, such as the dates in your language. The locales need to be installed on your system.",
"bludit-installer":"Pemasang Bludit",
"choose-your-language":"Pilih bahasa anda",
"complete-the-form-choose-a-password-for-the-username-admin":"Lengkapkan borang di bawah, pilih kata laluan untuk pengguna « admin »",
"show-password":"Paparkan kata laluan",
"login":"Log masuk",
"back-to-login-form":"Kembali ke borang log masuk",
"get-login-access-code":"Dapatkan kod akses log masuk",
"email-access-code":"Email access code",
"whats-next":"Apa yang anda boleh lakukan seterusnya?",
"username-or-password-incorrect":"Nama pengguna atau kata laluan tidak betul",
"follow-bludit-on":"Ikut Bludit di",
"this-is-a-brief-description-of-yourself-our-your-site":"Ini ialah perihal ringkas anda atau laman web anda. Untuk mengubahnya, pergi ke Panel Pentadbir -> Tetapan -> Pemalam dan tetapkan tatarajah pemalam \"About\".",
"new-version-available":"New version available",
"new-category-created":"New category created",
"category-deleted":"Category deleted",
"category-edited":"Category edited",
"new-user-created":"New user created",
"user-edited":"User edited",
"user-deleted":"Pengguna telah dibuang",
"recommended-for-recovery-password-and-notifications":"Recommended for recovery password and notifications.",
"authentication-token":"Authentication Token",
"current-status":"Current status",
"upload-image":"Muat naik gambar",
"the-changes-have-been-saved":"Perubahan telah disimpan",
"this-title-is-almost-always-used-in-the-sidebar-of-the-site":"This title is almost always used in the sidebar of the site.",
"password-must-be-at-least-6-characters-long":"Kata laluan perlu mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 6 aksara",
"ip-address-has-been-blocked":"Alamat IP telah dihalang.",
"try-again-in-a-few-minutes":"Cuba lagi dalam beberapa minit.",
"content-published-from-scheduler":"Content published from scheduler",
"complete-all-fields":"Complete all fields",
"about-your-site-or-yourself":"About your site or yourself",
"to-enable-the-user-you-must-set-a-new-password":"To enable the user you must set a new password.",
"delete-the-user-and-associate-his-content-to-admin-user":"Delete the user and associate his content to admin user",
"delete-the-user-and-all-his-content":"Delete the user and all his content",
"user-disabled":"User disabled",
"user-password-changed":"User password changed",
"the-password-and-confirmation-password-do-not-match":"The password and confirmation password do not match",
"scheduled-content":"Scheduled content",
"there-are-no-scheduled-content":"There are no scheduled content.",
"new-content-created":"New content created",
"content-edited":"Content edited",
"content-deleted":"Contente deleted",
"create-new-content-for-your-site":"Create new content for your site",
"there-are-no-draft-content":"There are no draft content.",
"plugins-position-changed":"Plugin position changed",
"drag-and-drop-to-set-the-position-of-the-plugin":"Drag and Drop to set the position of the plugins",
"change-the-position-of-the-plugins":"Change the position of the plugins",
"reading-time":"Reading time",
"example-page-1-title":"Create your own content",
"example-page-1-content":"Start writing your own content or edit the current to fit your needs. To create, edit or remove content you need to login to the [admin panel](.\/admin) with the username `admin` and the password you set on the installation process.",
"example-page-2-content":"Update the settings of your site from the [admin panel](.\/admin), you can change the title, description and the social networks from <a href=\".\/admin\/settings\" target=\"_blank\">Settings > General<\/a>.",
"example-page-3-content":"Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks <a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/bluditcms\/\" target=\"_blank\">Facebook<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/www.twitter.com\/bludit\/\" target=\"_blank\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/plus.google.com\/+Bluditcms\" target=\"_blank\">Google Plus<\/a> or visit our <a href=\"https:\/\/blog.bludit.com\" target=\"_blank\">Blog<\/a>.",
"example-page-4-content":"Your About page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site, need to be simple with a few key things, such as your name, who are you, how can contact you, a small story, etc.",
"the-extension-zip-is-not-installed":"The extension zip is not installed, to use this plugin you need to install the extension.",
"there-are-no-sticky-pages-at-this-moment":"There are no sticky pages at this moment.",
"there-are-no-scheduled-pages-at-this-moment":"There are no scheduled pages at this moment.",
"disable-user":"Disable user",
"delete-user-and-keep-content":"Delete user and keep content",
"delete-user-and-delete-content":"Delete user and delete content (Warning)",
"social-networks":"Social Networks",
"number-in-minutes-for-every-execution-of-autosave":"Number in minutes for every execution of autosave.",
"extreme-friendly-url":"Extreme friendly URL",
"title-formats":"Title formats",
"delete-content":"Delete content",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-page":"Are you sure you want to delete this page?",
"enter-title":"Enter title",
"media-manager":"Media Manager",
"set-a-cover-image-from-external-url,-such-as-a-cdn-or-some-server-dedicated-for-images":"Set a cover image from an external URL, such as a CDN or some server dedicated for images.",
"start-typing-a-page-title-to-see-a-list-of-suggestions":"Start typing a page title to see a list of suggestions.",
"field-used-when-ordering-content-by-position":"Field used when ordering content by position",
"write-a-template-name-to-filter-the-page-in-the-theme-and-change-the-style-of-the-page":"Write a template name to filter the page in the theme and change the style of the page.",
"write-the-tags-separated-by-comma":"Write the tags separated by comma.",
"apply-code-noindex-code-to-this-page":"Apply <code>noindex<\/code> to this page.",
"this-tells-search-engines-not-to-show-this-page-in-their-search-results":"This tells search engines not to show this page in their search results.",
"apply-code-nofollow-code-to-this-page":"Apply <code>nofollow<\/code> to this page.",
"this-tells-search-engines-not-to-follow-links-on-this-page":"This tells search engines not to follow links on this page.",
"apply-code-noarchive-code-to-this-page":"Apply <code>noarchive<\/code> to this page.",
"this-tells-search-engines-not-to-save-a-cached-copy-of-this-page":"This tells search engines not to save a cached copy of this page.",
"delete-category":"Delete category",
"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-category?":"Are you sure you want to delete this category?",
"confirm-new-password":"Confirm new password",
"the-nickname-is-almost-used-in-the-themes-to-display-the-author-of-the-content":"The nickname is almost used in the themes to display the author of the content",
"allow-unicode":"Allow Unicode",
"allow-unicode-characters-in-the-url-and-some-part-of-the-system":"Allow Unicode characters in the URL and some part of the system.",
"variables-allowed":"Variables allowed",
"drag-and-drop-to-sort-the-plugins":"Drag and Drop to sort the plugins.",
"forum-support":"Forum support",
"chat-support":"Chat support",
"quick-links":"Quick links",
"leave-empty-for-autocomplete-by-bludit":"Leave empty for autocomplete by Bludit.",
"the-content-is-saved-as-a-draft-to-publish-it":"The content is saved as a draft. To publish it click on the button <b>Publish<\/b> or if you still working on it click on <b>Save as draft<\/b>."