"new-posts-and-pages-synchronized":"New posts and pages synchronized.",
"you-can-choose-the-users-privilege":"You can choose the user's privilege. The editor role only can write pages and posts.",
"email-will-not-be-publicly-displayed":"Email will not be publicly displayed. Recommended for recovery password and notifications.",
"use-this-field-to-name-your-site":"Use this field to name your site, it will appear at the top of every page of your site.",
"use-this-field-to-add-a-catchy-prhase":"Use this field to add a catchy prhase on your site.",
"you-can-add-a-site-description-to-provide":"You can add a site description to provide a short bio or description of your site.",
"you-can-add-a-small-text-on-the-bottom":"You can add a small text on the bottom of every page. eg: copyright, owner, dates, etc.",
"number-of-posts-to-show-per-page":"Number of posts to show per page.",
"the-url-of-your-site":"The URL of your site.",
"add-or-edit-description-tags-or":"Add or edit description, tags or modify the friendly URL.",
"select-your-sites-language":"Select your site's language.",
"select-a-timezone-for-a-correct":"Select a timezone for a correct date/time display on your site.",
"you-can-use-this-field-to-define-a-set-of":"You can use this field to define a set of parameters related to the languege, country and special preferences.",
"you-can-modify-the-url-which-identifies":"You can modify the URL which identifies a page or post using human-readable keywords. No more than 150 characters.",
"this-field-can-help-describe-the-content":"This field can help describe the content in a few words. No more than 150 characters.",
"write-the-tags-separeted-by-comma":"Write the tags separeted by comma. eg: tag1, tag2, tag3",
"delete-the-user-and-all-its-posts":"Delete the user and all its posts",
"delete-the-user-and-associate-its-posts-to-admin-user":"Delete the user and associate its posts to admin user",
"read-more":"Read more",
"show-blog":"Show blog",
"default-home-page":"Default home page",
"there-are-no-drafts":"There are no drafts.",
"create-a-new-article-for-your-blog":"Create a new article for your blog.",
"create-a-new-page-for-your-website":"Create a new page for your website.",
"invite-a-friend-to-collaborate-on-your-website":"Invite a friend to collaborate on your website.",
"change-your-language-and-region-settings":"Change your language and region settings.",
"language-and-timezone":"Language and timezone",
"start-here":"Start here",
"install-theme":"Install theme",
"first-post":"First post",
"congratulations-you-have-successfully-installed-your-bludit":"Congratulations you have successfully installed your **Bludit**",
"whats-next":"What's Next",
"manage-your-bludit-from-the-admin-panel":"Manage your Bludit from the [admin area](./admin/)",
"follow-bludit-on":"Follow Bludit on",
"visit-the-support-forum":"Visit the [forum](http://forum.bludit.com) for support",
"read-the-documentation-for-more-information":"Read the [documentation](http://docs.bludit.com) for more information",
"share-with-your-friends-and-enjoy":"Share with your friends and enjoy",
"the-page-has-not-been-found":"The page has not been found.",