2017-11-16 23:21:05 +01:00
< ? php
class pluginBackup extends Plugin {
// List of directories to backup
private $directoriesToBackup = array (
// This variable define if the extension zip is loaded
private $zip = false ;
public function init ()
// Disable default form buttons (Save and Cancel)
$this -> formButtons = false ;
// Check for zip extension installed
$this -> zip = extension_loaded ( 'zip' );
// Install the plugin and create the workspace directory
public function install ( $position = 0 )
parent :: install ( $position );
$workspace = $this -> workspace ();
return mkdir ( $workspace , 0755 , true );
// Uninstall the plugin and delete the workspace directory
public function uninstall ()
parent :: uninstall ();
$workspace = $this -> workspace ();
return Filesystem :: deleteRecursive ( $workspace );
// Redefine workspace
public function workspace ()
return PATH_CONTENT . 'backup' . DS ;
public function post ()
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'createBackup' ])) {
return $this -> createBackup ();
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'restoreBackup' ])) {
return $this -> restoreBackup ( $_POST [ 'restoreBackup' ]);
return false ;
public function form ()
global $Language ;
$backups = Filesystem :: listDirectories ( $this -> workspace (), '*' , true );
if ( $this -> zip ) {
$backups = Filesystem :: listFiles ( $this -> workspace (), '*' , 'zip' , true );
$html = '<div>' ;
2018-01-26 21:31:14 +03:00
$html .= '<button name="createBackup" value="true" class="left small blue" type="submit"><i class="uk-icon-plus"></i> ' . $Language -> get ( 'create-backup' ) . '</button>' ;
2017-11-16 23:21:05 +01:00
$html .= '</div>' ;
$html .= '<hr>' ;
foreach ( $backups as $backup ) {
$filename = pathinfo ( $backup , PATHINFO_FILENAME );
$basename = pathinfo ( $backup , PATHINFO_BASENAME );
$html .= '<div>' ;
$html .= '<h3>' . Date :: format ( $filename , BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT , 'F j, Y, g:i a' ) . '</h3>' ;
2018-01-26 21:31:14 +03:00
$html .= '<a class="uk-button small left blue" href="' . DOMAIN_CONTENT . 'backup/' . $basename . '"><i class="uk-icon-download"></i> ' . $Language -> get ( 'download' ) . '</a>' ;
$html .= '<button name="restoreBackup" value="' . $basename . '" class="uk-button small left" type="submit"><i class="uk-icon-clock-o"></i> ' . $Language -> get ( 'restore-backup' ) . '</button>' ;
2017-11-16 23:21:05 +01:00
$html .= '</div>' ;
$html .= '<hr>' ;
return $html ;
public function createBackup ()
// Current backup directory
$currentDate = Date :: current ( BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT );
$backupDir = $this -> workspace () . $currentDate ;
// Copy directories to backup directory
// $directoriesToBackup is a private variable of this class
foreach ( $this -> directoriesToBackup as $dir ) {
$destination = $backupDir . DS . basename ( $dir );
Filesystem :: copyRecursive ( $dir , $destination );
// Compress backup directory
if ( $this -> zip ) {
if ( Filesystem :: zip ( $backupDir , $backupDir . '.zip' )) {
Filesystem :: deleteRecursive ( $backupDir );
return true ;
public function restoreBackup ( $backupFilename )
// Remove current files
foreach ( $this -> directoriesToBackup as $dir ) {
Filesystem :: deleteRecursive ( $dir );
// Recover backuped files
$tmp = $this -> workspace () . $backupFilename ;
if ( $this -> zip ) {
return Filesystem :: unzip ( $tmp , PATH_CONTENT );
return Filesystem :: copyRecursive ( $tmp , PATH_CONTENT );
2018-02-26 00:18:21 +01:00