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2015-08-27 02:05:59 -03:00
class pluginsimpleMDE extends Plugin {
private $loadWhenController = array(
public function adminHead()
global $Language;
global $Site;
global $layout;
$html = '';
// Load CSS and JS only on Controllers in array.
if(in_array($layout['controller'], $this->loadWhenController))
$language = $Site->shortLanguage();
$pluginPath = $this->htmlPath();
$html = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/latest/css/font-awesome.min.css">';
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/simplemde/latest/simplemde.min.css">';
$html .= '<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/simplemde/latest/simplemde.min.js"></script>';
return $html;
public function adminBodyEnd()
global $Language;
global $Site;
global $layout;
$html = '';
// Load CSS and JS only on Controllers in array.
if(in_array($layout['controller'], $this->loadWhenController))
$language = $Site->shortLanguage();
$pluginPath = $this->htmlPath();
$html = '<script>$(document).ready(function() { ';
$html .=
'var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
element: document.getElementById("jscontent"),
status: true,
toolbarTips: true,
toolbarGuideIcon: true,
autofocus: true,
lineWrapping: false,
indentWithTabs: true,
tabSize: 4,
spellChecker: true
$html .= '}); </script>';
return $html;